Project 485: S. J. Nesbitt, P. M. Barrett, S. Werning, C. A. Sidor, A. J. Charig. 2013. The oldest dinosaur? A Middle Triassic dinosauriform from Tanzania. Biology Letters. 9:5pp.

Morphobank media number

Taxonomic name
Nyasasaurus parringtoni

Nyasasaurus parringtoni (NHMUK:R6586)

Specimen notes
Holotype. Partial skeleton including right humerus, three partial presacral vertebrae, and three sacral vertebrae. All histological images are from the mid-diaphyseal humerus.

histology (cross-section, mid-diaphysis)

Media loaded by
Sarah Werning

Copyright holder
The Natural History Museum, London

Copyright information
Person loading media owns copyright and grants permission for use of media on MorphoBank

Media notes
Partial cross-section of humerus at mid-diaphysis. Overlapping photos (~50% overlap) of a portion of the cross-section were taken at 5x total magnification and through crossed Nicols filters, using a Nikon D300 DSLR camera attached to a Nikon Optiphot2-Pol light transmission microscope. Individual images were assembled into a photomontage of the entire section using Kolor Autopano Giga 2.0. The photomontage was then edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended to remove the background, correct contrast (across the whole image), and to add text and a scale bar.

Media loaded on
March 31 2011 at 20:33:16

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