Project 3942: G. Marramà, G. Carnevale, G. J. Naylor, J. Kriwet. 2020. Skeletal Anatomy, Phylogenetic Relationships, and Paleoecology of the Eocene Urolophid Stingray Arechia Crassicaudata (Blainville, 1818) from Monte Postale (Bolca Lagerstätte, Italy). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 40 (4):e1803339.
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Marramà, G., Carnevale, G., Naylor, G. J. and Kriwet, J. 2020. Skeletal Anatomy, Phylogenetic Relationships, and Paleoecology of the Eocene Urolophid Stingray Arechia Crassicaudata (Blainville, 1818) from Monte Postale (Bolca Lagerstätte, Italy). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Vol. 40(4), p. e1803339.