Project 4066: Y. Oh, D. Lee, S. Lee, S. Lee, P. S. Hong, J. Hong, L. Cherns. 2022. Palaeobiogeography of the family Nisusiidae (Cambrian rhynchonelliform brachiopods) using the ‘area‐transition count’ method and systematic revision of Korean species. Papers in Palaeontology. 8 (1):null.
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Oh, Y., Lee, D., Lee, S., Lee, S., Hong, P. S., Hong, J. and Cherns, L. 2022. Palaeobiogeography of the family Nisusiidae (Cambrian rhynchonelliform brachiopods) using the ‘area‐transition count’ method and systematic revision of Korean species. Papers in Palaeontology. Vol. 8(1), p. null.