1206 authors have published data in MorphoBank
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Lone Aagesen (1 project)
Fernando Abdala (1 project)
Sylvain Adnet (1 project)
Maite Aguado (1 project)
Gaston Aguilera (2 projects)
Heather Ahrens (1 project)
Shane Ahyong (1 project)
Alex Aires (1 project)
Nesrine Akkari (1 project)
Caleb Onoja Akogwu (1 project)
Lucia Alarcon-Rios (1 project)
James Albert (1 project)
Gilberto Albuquerque (4 projects)
Project 146: A new genus and species of green lacewings from Brazil (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae: Leucochrysini)
Project 168: A new species of Leucochrysa and a redescription of Leucochrysa (Nodita) clepsydra Banks (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae)
Project 243: Jatinder's & Zinha's Leucochrysa
Phil Alderslade (1 project)
Markos Alexandrou (1 project)
Project 608: Salmon Morphological Matrix
Sarah Allen (1 project)
Letícia Alves da Cruz (1 project)
Romain Amiot (1 project)
Jason Anderson (2 projects)
Laurie Anderson (1 project)
Brian Andres (5 projects)
Project 994: Lone Star Pterosaurs
James Andrews (1 project)
Ana Andruchow Colombo (1 project)
Ana Andruchow-Colombo (14 projects)
Project 3405: Systematics and evolution of ground spiders revisited (Araneae, Dionycha, Gnaphosidae)
Project 3569: A burrowing frog from the late Paleocene of Mongolia uncovers a deep history of spadefoot toads (Pelobatoidea) in East Asia
Project 3603: Morphological characterization of infra-generic lineages in Deparia (Athyriaceae: Polypodiales)
Project 3626: Hanskerpia gen. nov. and phylogenetic relationships among the most ancient conifers (Voltziales)
Yuchen Ang (1 project)
Kenneth Angielczyk (1 project)
Arthur Anker (1 project)
Jérémy Anquetin (1 project)
Project 1166: Plesiochelyid relationships
Luiza Anselmini (1 project)
Caio Antunes-Carvalho (1 project)
Cecilia Apaldetti (1 project)
Fernanda Aparecida Supeleto (1 project)
Inês Aparecida Tozetti (1 project)
Sebastian Apesteguia (1 project)
Dianne Applegate (1 project)
Project 5330: A cladistic analysis of the horses of the tribe Equini
Ricardo Araújo (3 projects)
Project 3810: Kembawacela yajuwayeyi n. sp., a new cistecephalid species (Dicynodontia: Emydopoidea) from the Upper Permian of Malawi
Project 4895: Cistecephalus and Diictodon anatomy
Mariangeles Arce H. (2 projects)
Project 2100: Phylogeny of the North American catfish family Ictaluridae (Teleostei: Siluriformes) combining morphology, genes and fossils
Project 2491: Phylogenetic reconstruction of Ictaluroidea
Matías Armella (1 project)
Michelle Arnal (1 project)
María Eugenia Arnaudo (1 project)
Gloria Arratia (1 project)
Robert Asher (10 projects)
Brian Atkinson (3 projects)
Project 2537: Cornales fruit matrix
Project 3239: Meliaceae fruit matrix
Jessie Atterholt (1 project)
Tito Aureliano (7 projects)
William Ausich (1 project)
Project 2182: Early Phylogeny of Crinoids Within the Pelmatozoan Clade
Alexander Averianov (5 projects)
Project 4588: New diplodocoid sauropod dinosaur material from the Middle Jurassic of European Russia
Haviv Avrahami (1 project)
Dany Azar (1 project)
Fernando Ãlvarez-Padilla (1 project)
Loren Babcock (1 project)
Eva Baermann (1 project)
Bin Bai (4 projects)
Project 2285: Bai, Wang, Mao, and Meng_2017_Helaletidae phylogeny
Project 3210: The divergence and dispersal of early perissodactyls as evidenced by Early Eocene equids from Asia
Project 3617: New ceratomorph fossils
Mattia Baiano (1 project)
Salvador Bailon (1 project)
Andrew H. Baird (1 project)
Project 4065: Delineating species boundaries in tabular Acropora
Sunil Bajpai (2 projects)
Project 4947: Gujaratia indica , the oldest artiodactyl (Mammalia) from South Asia: new dental material and phylogenetic relationships
Project 5068: Indian Cretaceous eutriconodontan
William Baker (1 project)
Kamila Luisa Nogueira Bandeira (1 project)
Daniel Barasoain (1 project)
Marcos Barbeitos (1 project)
Felipe Barbosa (1 project)
Project 3672: Balgus Fleutiaux, 1920 Phylogeny
Jérémie Bardin (3 projects)
Project 1271: Ontogenetic data analyzed as such in phylogenies
Project 2291: Proteroctopus ribeti in coleoid evolution
Chris Barker (2 projects)
Alcina Barreto (1 project)
Paul Barrett (1 project)
J. Sebastian Barrionuevo (1 project)
Paul Bartels (2 projects)
Project 3907: Marine Tardigrades of Costa Rica
Project 4966: Marine Tardigrades of the British Virgin Islands
Alice Baruch (2 projects)
Project 5330: A cladistic analysis of the horses of the tribe Equini
Kayla Bazzana (2 projects)
Kate Beauchamp (1 project)
Victor Beccari (1 project)
Robin Beck (9 projects)
Project 858: Dasyuromorphia Craniodental and Postcranial Matrix
Project 2436: Epidolops matrices
James Beech (2 projects)
Project 2804: Harpetid Character Matrix
Adam Behlke (1 project)
Flavio Bellardini (1 project)
Ligia R. Benavides (1 project)
Ligia Benavides (1 project)
Cristian Benavides (1 project)
Aldo Marcelo Benites-Palomino (1 project)
Suresh Benjamin (1 project)
Julien Benoit (1 project)
Michael Benton (1 project)
Blazej Berkowski (1 project)
Harry Berks (1 project)
David Berman (1 project)
Annalisa Berta (5 projects)
Project 181: Systematics of Right Whales (Mysticeti: Balaenidae)
Rolf Beutel (4 projects)
Project 561: Morphological and molecular evidence converge upon a robust phylogeny of the megadiverse Holometabola
Project 814: On the phylogeny and evolution of Mesozoic and extant lineages of Adephaga (Coleoptera, Insecta)
Tyler Beyett (1 project)
Project 3457: Truncilla donaciformis and T. truncata shell morphology
Vincent Beyrand (1 project)
Project 3502: Endocranial anatomy database for crocodilians and birds
Shundong Bi (5 projects)
Giovanni Bianucci (2 projects)
Faysal Bibi (1 project)
Project 3978: Hippopotamidae from the Baynunah Formation
Rudiger Bieler (1 project)
Arnaud Bignon (1 project)
Project 2789: Trinucleida Phylogeny
Guillaume Billet (6 projects)
Project 1070: Pantodont project
Project 3399: New remains of Neotropical bunodont litopterns and the systematics of Megadolodinae (Mammalia: Litopterna). Extended matrix
Alexander Bippus (1 project)
José L. Birindelli (1 project)
Curtis Bjork (1 project)
Karen Black (1 project)
Alejandro Blanco (1 project)
Carrine Blank (2 projects)
Arnold Blank (1 project)
Project 5330: A cladistic analysis of the horses of the tribe Equini
Sabrina Bleidißel (1 project)
Jonathan Bloch (3 projects)
Project 277: Matrix of Morphological Characters of Humiriaceae
Christian Bock (1 project)
Robert Boessenecker (2 projects)
Jean-Renaud Boisserie (2 projects)
Benjamin Bomfleur (1 project)
Andrew Bond (1 project)
Joseph Bonsor (1 project)
Leonardo Borges (4 projects)
Project 1220: Mimosa perplicata and Mimosa serpensetosa
Project 2220: Molecular phylogeny of Stryphnodendron (Mimosoideae, Leguminosae) and generic delimitations in the Piptadenia group
Ianna Borloti (1 project)
Antonio Borrani (1 project)
Matthew Borths (2 projects)
David Bottjer (1 project)
Jason Bourque (2 projects)
Rodrigo Bouzan (1 project)
Sarah Boyer (4 projects)
Project 199: Morphological data matrix of the Opiliones suborder Cyphophthalmi (Arthropoda: Arachnida)
Project 376: Adult mussel photographic vouchers
Project 379: Immature mussel images
Douglas Boyer (1 project)
Heather Bracken-Grissom (3 projects)
Janet Bradford-Grieve (1 project)
Arnaud Brayard (1 project)
Project 2291: Proteroctopus ribeti in coleoid evolution
Martin Brazeau (1 project)
Philippa Brewer (1 project)
Christopher Brochu (3 projects)
Gary Bronner (1 project)
Allison Bronson (1 project)
Andrew Brower (3 projects)
Brian Brown (1 project)
Matthew Brown (2 projects)
Project 1187: Convergence analysis of Triopticus primus
Chase Brownstein (1 project)
Arthur Souza Brum (1 project)
Michèle Bruni (1 project)
Adam Brunke (1 project)
Stephen Brusatte (2 projects)
WenJun Bu (2 projects)
Alexandra Buczek (2 projects)
Pierre Bultynck (1 project)
Daniel Burckhardt (1 project)
André Burigo (1 project)
Michael Burns (1 project)
Carole Burrow (3 projects)
Felipe Busker (1 project)
Richard Butler (2 projects)
Edwin-Alberto Cadena (1 project)
Daniel Caetano (1 project)
Chen-Yang Cai (1 project)
Jonathan Calede (2 projects)
Amabilio Camargo (1 project)
Diogenes de Almeida Campos (1 project)
Lisandro Campos (1 project)
Adriana Candela (1 project)
Maria Capa (2 projects)
João Paulo Capretz Batista da Silva (1 project)
Jose Luis Carballido (2 projects)
Paco Cardenas (1 project)
Edilson Caron (1 project)
Matthew Carrano (1 project)
Salvador Carranza (9 projects)
Project 346: Taxonomic revision of the Cape Verdean reptiles
Project 348: Taxonomic revision of the cape verdean reptiles ii
Project 461: Forgotten in the ocean: Systematics, biogeography and evolution of the Trachylepis skinks of the Socotra Archipelago
Paola Andrea Carrasco (1 project)
Miguel Carretero (1 project)
Juan David Carrillo (5 projects)
Tiago Carvalho (4 projects)
Ana Carvalho (1 project)
Project 3836: The sphragis in butterflies
Mónica R. Carvalho (1 project)
Daniel Casali (1 project)
Gerasimos Cassis (1 project)
María del Rosario Castaneda (1 project)
Michael Caterino (1 project)
Kierstin Catlett (1 project)
Andrea Cau (1 project)
Dario Cavaliere (1 project)
Project 2463: Floral Characters in Liliales - A Crowd Sourcing Project
Lionel Cavin (1 project)
Ignacio Cerda (2 projects)
Esperanza Cerdeño (3 projects)
Tin Yam Chan (1 project)
Meemann Chang (1 project)
Mariana Raquel Chani-Posse (1 project)
Sylvain Charbonnier (1 project)
Project 2291: Proteroctopus ribeti in coleoid evolution
Narimane Chatar (1 project)
Brian Chatterton (1 project)
Project 2789: Trinucleida Phylogeny
Laura Chavarría-Pizarro (1 project)
Jianye Chen (1 project)
Project 2501: Genibatrachus
Cheng-Wei Chen (1 project)
Joyce Chery (1 project)
Stephen Chester (2 projects)
Kentaro Chiba (2 projects)
Project 4171: 3d models of Ounalashkastylus tomidai Chiba et al 2016
Project 5293: Tanaka et al. (2024) A new neoceratopsia from Japan
Nicolas Chimento (1 project)
Jonah Choiniere (2 projects)
Brian Choo (2 projects)
Thereis Choo (1 project)
Project 1192: Dipteridaceae morphological matrix
Per Christiansen (1 project)
Kuo-Fang Chung (1 project)
Morgan Churchill (3 projects)
Project 181: Systematics of Right Whales (Mysticeti: Balaenidae)
Celia Churchill (1 project)
Timothy Churchill (1 project)
Ana Cialdella (1 project)
Richard Cifelli (1 project)
Andrea Cirranello (6 projects)
Project 2577: AVAToL: Crowd Sourcing Morphological Matrices
Kerin Claeson (7 projects)
Project 45: Cretaceous Myliobatids from Mali
Project 270: Erpetoichthys calabaricus
Santiago Claramunt (1 project)
Project 513: Morphological Evolution of the Furnariidae
James Clark (1 project)
Julia Clarke (2 projects)
Vinícius Cláudio (1 project)
Marcus Clauss (1 project)
Thomas Claverie (1 project)
Alice Clement (3 projects)
Project 3471: A Late Devonian coelacanth reconfigures actinistian phylogeny, disparity, and evolutionary dynamics
Project 3480: Tetrapodomorph phylogeny
Project 3818: Megalichthyid phylogeny
Mark Clementz (1 project)
Ronald Clouse (1 project)
Richard Cloutier (3 projects)
Project 3471: A Late Devonian coelacanth reconfigures actinistian phylogeny, disparity, and evolutionary dynamics
Project 3480: Tetrapodomorph phylogeny
Project 3818: Megalichthyid phylogeny
Mario Coiro (1 project)
Selina Cole (1 project)
Project 3354: Diplobathrid disparity
Mark Coleman (1 project)
Mark Collard (3 projects)
Allen Collins (1 project)
Orlando Combita Heredia (1 project)
Fabien Condamine (2 projects)
Viviana Confalonieri (1 project)
Project 4112: Phylogeny of Hypermecaspididae
Peiyun Cong (1 project)
Curtis Congreve (2 projects)
Samuel Cooper (1 project)
Denis Copilas-Ciocianu (1 project)
Project 4699: Morpho PC amphipoda
Rodolfo Coria (1 project)
Dirley Cortés (1 project)
Adam Cossette (1 project)
Emmanuel CÔTEZ (1 project)
Diogo Couto (1 project)
Joel Cracraft (2 projects)
James Crampton (1 project)
Peter Crane (3 projects)
Project 3184: Reconstructing Krassilovia mongolica supports recognition of a new and unusual group of Mesozoic conifers
Stephen Cresswell (1 project)
Katharine Criswell (2 projects)
Project 1187: Convergence analysis of Triopticus primus
Pierre-André Crochet (1 project)
Darin Croft (2 projects)
Catherine Crônier (1 project)
Jordan Crowell (2 projects)
Armando Jairo Cruz-Laufer (4 projects)
Elena Cuesta (1 project)
Project 3812: Pelecanimimus Phylogeny
Adam Culka (1 project)
Thomas Cullen (2 projects)
Michael Cummings (1 project)
Gilles Cuny (1 project)
MorphoBank Curator (194 projects)
Project 2101: A complex hyobranchial apparatus in a Cretaceous dinosaur and the antiquity of the paraglossalia of birds
Project 2412: How Does the Inclusion of Fossil Data Change Our Conclusions about the Phylogenetic History of Euphyllophytes?
Project 3165: Tsuji, LA. Mandaphon nadra, gen. et sp. nov., a new procolophonid from the Manda Beds of Tanzania
Project 3187: A probainognathian cynodont
from South Africa and the phylogeny of nonmammalian cynodonts
Project 3188: Phylogeny and Taxonomy of the Traversodontidae
Project 3199: A phylogenetic study of krill
Project 3202: Redescription of brachiosaurid sauropod dinosaur material from the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation, Colorado, USA
Project 3212: Inflorescence evolution in Santalales: Integrating morphological characters and molecular phylogenetics
Project 3216: Cephalic anatomy of Sphaeriusidae and a morphology-based phylogeny of the suborder Myxophaga (Coleoptera)
Project 3217: Waptia fieldensis Walcott, a mandibulate arthropod from the middle Cambrian Burgess Shale
Project 3226: Phylogeny and systematics of Aphroditiformia
Project 3247: A new lepidosauromorph reptile from the Middle Triassic (Ladinian) of Germany and its phylogenetic relationships
Project 3249: Mandasuchus tanyauchen, gen. et sp. nov., a pseudosuchian archosaur from the Manda Beds (?Middle Triassic) of Tanzania
Project 3255: What actually is Vriesea? A total evidence approach in a polyphyletic genus of Tillandsioideae (Bromeliaceae, Poales)
Project 3273: Osteology of Aristonectes quiriquinensis (Elasmosauridae, Aristonectinae) from the upper Maastrichtian of central Chile
Project 3275: Phylogenetic position of Sinotamias and the early evolution of Marmotini (Rodentia, Sciuridae, Xerinae)
Project 3280: Phylogenetic systematics and historical biogeography of the Neotropical electric fish Gymnotus (Teleostei: Gymnotidae)
Project 3281: The Smallest Diplodocid Skull Reveals Cranial Ontogeny and Growth-Related Dietary Changes in the Largest Dinosaurs
Project 3294: Studies on pycnodont fishes (I): evaluation of their phylogenetic position among actinopterygians.
Project 3331: A Basal Tapejarine (Pterosauria; Pterodactyloidea; Tapejaridae) from the Crato Formation, Early Cretaceous of Brazil
Project 3335: Phylogenetic relationships and palaeobiology of a new xenungulate (Mammalia: Eutheria) from the Palaeogene of Argentina
Project 3344: Tooth Loss Precedes the Origin of Baleen in Whales
Project 3380: Peregocetus pacificus
Project 3384: Redescription of the holotype specimen of Chindesaurus bryansmalli from Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona
Project 3390: A new dinosaur with theropod affinities from the Late Triassic Santa Maria Formation, South Brazil
Project 3447: Morphology-based phylogenetic reconstruction of Cholevinae (Coleoptera: Leiodidae): a new view on higher-level relationships
Project 3450: Phylogeny and historical biogeography of Gondwanan moss-bugs (Insecta: Hemiptera: Coleorrhyncha: Peloridiidae)
Project 3453: Taxonomy and phylogeny of the Gondwanan moss bugs or Peloridiidae (Hemiptera, Coleorrhyncha)
Project 3468: The pharynx of the stem-chondrichthyan Ptomacanthus and the early evolution of the gnathostome gill skeleton
Project 3485: Two new megalonychid sloths (Mammalia: Xenarthra) from the Urumaco Formation (late Miocene), and their phylogenetic affinities
Project 3527: A new crustacean from the Herefordshire (Silurian) Lagerstätte, UK, and its significance in malacostracan evolution
Project 3544: A new stem hynobiid salamander (Urodela, Cryptobranchoidea) from the Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian) of Liaoning Province, China
Project 3569: A burrowing frog from the late Paleocene of Mongolia uncovers a deep history of spadefoot toads (Pelobatoidea) in East Asia
Project 3573: A new species of Kentriodon (Cetacea, Odontoceti, Kentriodontidae) from the Miocene of Japan
Project 3603: Morphological characterization of infra-generic lineages in Deparia (Athyriaceae: Polypodiales)
Project 3684: New skulls and skeletons of the Cretaceous legged snake Najash, and the evolution of the modern snake body plan
Project 3687: The most complete enantiornithine from North America and a phylogenetic analysis of the Avisauridae
Project 3688: A redescription of Chaoyangia beishanensis (Aves) and a comprehensive phylogeny of Mesozoic birds
Project 3695: Relationships within Cupressaceae sensu lato: a combined morphological and molecular approach
Project 3701: A new inioid (Cetacea, Odontoceti, Delphinida) from the Miocene of Peru and the origin of modern dolphin and porpoise families
Project 3705: A total evidence analysis of the phylogeny of hatchet‐faced treefrogs (Anura: Hylidae: Sphaenorhynchus )
Project 3708: Mosaic nature in the skeleton of East Asian crocodylians fills the morphological gap between “Tomistominae” and Gavialinae
Project 3709: Phylogeny of the true water bugs (Nepomorpha: Hemiptera-Heteroptera) based on 16S and 28S rDNA and morphology
Project 3710: Phylogeny and diversification of the true water bugs (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Nepomorpha)
Project 3740: Building the monocot tree of death: Progress and challenges emerging from the macrofossil-rich Zingiberales
Project 3741: Fossil palm fruits from India indicate a Cretaceous origin of Arecaceae tribe Borasseae
Project 3763: Complete Generic-Level Phylogenetic Analyses of Palms (Arecaceae) with Comparisons of Supertree and Supermatrix Approaches
Project 3766: First Toothless Platanistoid from the Early Miocene of Patagonia: the Golden Age of Diversification of the Odontoceti
Project 3804: Phylogenetic analysis of phenotypic characters of Tunicata supports basal Appendicularia and monophyletic Ascidiacea
Project 3831: Adult and early-stage characters of Brassolini contain conflicting phylogenetic signal (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae)
Project 3854: Incorporating fossils into the Pinaceae tree of life
Project 3871: Combined data analysis of fossil and living mammals: a Paleogene sister taxon of Placentalia and the antiquity of Marsupialia
Project 3908: Cranial anatomy of Andinodelphys cochabambensis, a stem metatherian from the early Palaeocene of Bolivia
Project 3930: A new Miocene turtle from Colombia sheds light on the evolutionary history of the extant genus Mesoclemmys Gray, 1873
Project 3931: A new phylogeny of ichthyosaurs (Reptilia: Diapsida)
Project 3932: The Pikermian tortoises (Testudines, Testudinidae) from the late Miocene of the South Balkans
Project 3936: Late Miocene tortoises from Samos, Greece: implications for European Neogene testudinid systematics and distributions
Project 3939: Scaphokogia totajpe, sp. nov., a new bulky-faced pygmy sperm whale (Kogiidae) from the late Miocene of Peru
Project 3941: A new archosauriform reptile with distinctive teeth from the Middle Triassic (Ladinian) of Germany
Project 4078: The impact of fossil data on annelid phylogeny inferred from discrete morphological characters
Project 4095: Living and extinct Athrotaxoideae show intermediate morphologies in the evolution of the ovuliferous complex in Cupressaceae
Project 4119: Cataphylls of the Middle Triassic cycad Antarcticycas schopfii and new insights into cycad evolution
Project 4133: Discovery of the oldest South American fossil lizard illustrates the cosmopolitanism of early South American squamates
Project 4135: A new large gomphodont from the Triassic of South Africa and its implications for Gondwanan biostratigraphy
Project 4147: New late Oligocene caviomorph rodents from Mendoza Province, central-western Argentina
Project 4149: Brazilian Permian dvinosaurs (Amphibia, Temnospondyli): revised description and phylogeny
Project 4162: The phylogeny of Coleopterida (Hexapoda) - morphological characters and molecular phylogenies
Project 4181: A stem batrachian from the Early Permian of Texas and the origin of frogs and salamanders
Project 4183: Phylogenetic studies of Ophioglossaceae: evidence from rbcL and trnL-F plastid DNA sequences and morphology
Project 4185: A new cycad stem from the Cretaceous in Argentina and its phylogenetic relationships with other Cycadales
Project 4190: Partial re-assessment of the family structure of the Clausocalanoidea (Copepoda: Calanoida) using morphological data
Project 4352: Interrelationships of basal synapsids: cranial and postcranial morphological partitions suggest different topologies
Project 4359: New fossil penguins (Aves, Sphenisciformes) from the Oligocene of New Zealand reveal the skeletal plan of stem penguins
Project 4361: In search of lost time: tracing the fossil diversity of Podocarpaceae through the ages
Project 4363: The past and the present through phylogenetic analysis: the rove beetle tribe Othiini now and 99 Ma
Project 4364: Phylogenetic analysis of the late Cambrian-early Ordovician genus Parabolinella Brøgger (Trilobita, Olenidae)
Project 4372: Evolution and Relationships of the Conifer Seed Cone Telemachus: Evidence from the Triassic of Antarctica
Project 4400: An enigmatic new archosauriform from the Carnian-Norian Ischigualasto Formation of Northwestern Argentina
Project 4409: Seed Plant Phylogeny and the Relationships of Gnetales
Project 4417: Phylogeny of some Devonian trilobites and consequences for the systematics ofAusterops(Phacopidae)
Project 4482: The axial skeleton of Bagualia alba (Dinosauria: Eusauropoda) from the Early Jurassic of Patagonia
Project 4486: Cladistic analysis and revision of Piestus Gravenhorst with remarks on related genera (Coleoptera : Staphylinidae : Piestinae)
Project 4620: Huaridelphis raimondii, a new early Miocene Squalodelphinidae (Cetacea, Odontoceti) from the Chilcatay Formation, Peru
Project 5099: Phylogeny and fruit evolution in Menispermaceae
Project 5339: Neurocranial osteology and systematic relationships of Varanus (Megalania) prisca Owen, 1859 (Squamata: Varanidae)
Project 5518: Specialized ovipositor sensilla of Cretaceous wasps (Insecta: Hymenoptera) possibly reveal a unique way of host detection
Project 5546: Taxonomy and ontogeny of the Lituitida (Cephalopoda) from Orthoceratite Limestone erratics (Middle Ordovician)
Greg Curler (1 project)
Douglas Currie (1 project)
Kristi Curry Rogers (3 projects)
Leila Curtis (1 project)
Nicholas Czaplewski (1 project)
Project 240: Florida Mormoopid
Łukasz Czepiński (1 project)
Michael D'Emic (7 projects)
Project 2101: A complex hyobranchial apparatus in a Cretaceous dinosaur and the antiquity of the paraglossalia of birds
Project 2146: A juvenile sauropod dinosaur from the Late Jurassic of Utah, USA, presents further evidence of an avian style air-sac system
Project 3202: Redescription of brachiosaurid sauropod dinosaur material from the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation, Colorado, USA
Tabata D’Maiella Freitas Klimeck (1 project)
João Lucas da Silva (1 project)
Wasila Dahdul (1 project)
Marymegan Daly (1 project)
Jakob Damgaard (2 projects)
Laure Danilo (1 project)
Igor Danilov (1 project)
László Dányi (1 project)
Debajit Datta (1 project)
Liliana Davalos (1 project)
Donald Davesne (1 project)
Irma Davidson (1 project)
Project 5330: A cladistic analysis of the horses of the tribe Equini
Juan D. Daza (3 projects)
Project 532: Sphaerodactylidae Phylogeny
Project 844: Phylogeny of Gobekko cretacicus
JULIO DE ALMEIDA (1 project)
Benjamin de Bivort (1 project)
Ilian De Francesco Magnussen (1 project)
Project 4225: New fossil schizomids from Burmese amber
Carlos De Gracia (1 project)
Bruno de Medeiros (1 project)
Project 2797: Phylogeny of Anchylorhynchus Schoenherr
Gustavo De Miranda (1 project)
Vanesa De Pietri (1 project)
Dalton de Souza Amorim (3 projects)
Dorien de Vries (1 project)
Richard Dearden (1 project)
Alex Dececchi (1 project)
Tim Dederichs (1 project)
Tim M. Dederichs (1 project)
Federico Degrange (3 projects)
Eric Del Risco (1 project)
Project 5330: A cladistic analysis of the horses of the tribe Equini
Katelene Delgado (1 project)
Project 3783: Cabo Verde giant gecko: how many units for conservation?
David DeMar (1 project)
Mana Dembo (2 projects)
Tom Demere (2 projects)
Elizabeth Derryberry (1 project)
Project 513: Morphological Evolution of the Furnariidae
Julia Brenda Desojo (2 projects)
Alavya Dhungana (1 project)
Project 3927: Organ systems of a lobopod-bearing euarthropod larva
Flávio Dias Passos (1 project)
Sérgio Dias-da-Silva (1 project)
Tim Dickinson (4 projects)
Project 2423: Variation in leaf venation in Rocky Mountain hawthorns: implications for geographical parthenogenesis
Chris Dietrich (1 project)
Torsten Dikow (1 project)
David Dilkes (1 project)
Project 2289: Carpus and tarsus of Temnospondyli
Casey Dillman (1 project)
Jesse G. Dillon (1 project)
Herculano Dinis (1 project)
Rui Boliqueime Martins Diogo (1 project)
Kirsten Donald (1 project)
Xiping Dong (1 project)
Ana Paula Dornellas (1 project)
John Doudna (1 project)
Project 1198: Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii jaw morphology
Paul Doughty (1 project)
Project 3186: Gehyra variegata revision
Jason P Downs (1 project)
Sharon Doyle (3 projects)
James Doyle (1 project)
Project 4409: Seed Plant Phylogeny and the Relationships of Gnetales
Kunsheng Du (1 project)
Guillaume Duboys de Lavigerie (1 project)
Project 3422: Fossil balaenid from Belgium
Alienor Duhamel (1 project)
Project 4003: Juvenile Biarmosuchia (Synapsida: Therapsida)
James Dunford (1 project)
Jason Dunlop (2 projects)
Project 631: Anatomically modern Carboniferous harvestmen demonstrate early cladogenesis and stasis in Opiliones
Project 793: A plesiomorphic Carboniferous harvestman
Rudah Duque (1 project)
Daniel Düring (1 project)
Hugo Dutel (1 project)
Martin Ebert (2 projects)
Greg Edgecombe (21 projects)
Project 549: A congruent solution to arthropod phylogeny: phylogenomics, microRNAs and morphology support monophyletic Mandibulata
Project 618: The Burgess Shale anomalocaridid Hurdia and its significance for early euarthropod evolution
Project 623: The contribution of preoral chamber and foregut morphology to the phylogenetics of Scolopendromorpha (Chilopoda).
Project 624: Phylogenetic implications of gizzard morphology in scolopendromorph centipedes (Chilopoda)
Project 625: Including secondary structure, fossils and molecular dating in the centipede tree of life
Project 987: Phylogenetics of scolopendromorph centipedes: Can denser taxon sampling improve an artificial classification?
Project 2216: The myriapod tree of life
Project 2762: Phylogenomics illuminates the backbone of the Myriapoda Tree of Life and reconciles morphological and molecular phylogenies
Eric Ekdale (2 projects)
Eric G. Ekdale (1 project)
Emily Ellis (1 project)
Robert Emry (1 project)
Russell Engelman (2 projects)
Kristin Ericson (1 project)
Project 49: Marine mammal skeletal data
Ignacio Escapa (2 projects)
Project 1192: Dipteridaceae morphological matrix
André Esguícero (1 project)
Neal Evenhuis (1 project)
Christopher Everett (1 project)
Project 4337: Pinnarctidion iverseni
Serjoscha Evers (3 projects)
Aleksandr Evsyukov (1 project)
Martin Ezcurra (6 projects)
Project 3970: Widespread azendohsaurids (Archosauromorpha, Allokotosauria) from the Late Triassic of western USA and India
Cornelius Faber (2 projects)
Project 2202: Morphology of Gregory's diverticulum in sand dollars
Andrew Farke (1 project)
Grace Farley (1 project)
Rodney Feldmann (1 project)
Ligia Fernanda Ceole (1 project)
Alexandra Fernandes (2 projects)
Project 3966: Pterosaurs from the Late Cretaceous of Angola
Mercedes Fernández (1 project)
Marta Fernandez (1 project)
Daiana Paola Ferraro (1 project)
Project 4063: Pleurodema datamatrix
Andre Luiz Ferreira (1 project)
Gabriel Ferreira (1 project)
Ashley Field (1 project)
Daniel Field (1 project)
John Finarelli (3 projects)
Project 402: Total evidence phylogeny of arctoids
Project 2553: Dwykaselachus oosthuizeni
Stephen Finch (1 project)
Valentin Fischer (4 projects)
Cene Fišer (2 projects)
Adam Fitch (1 project)
Project 5534: New Monofenestratan
John Fleagle (1 project)
Jorge R Flores (5 projects)
John Flynn (2 projects)
Davide Foffa (2 projects)
Annelise Folie (1 project)
Ewan Fordyce (4 projects)
Project 687: Baleen boom and bust
Catherine Forster (1 project)
Josep Fortuny (4 projects)
Project 3108: Oldest skeleton of a fossil flying squirrel casts new light on the phylogeny of the group
Christian Foth (2 projects)
Denver Fowler (1 project)
René HB Fraaije (1 project)
Lilian Franco-Belussi (1 project)
Sandra Franz-Guess (1 project)
Elizabeth Freedman Fowler (1 project)
Project 2157: Hadrosaur histology
Forrest Freund (1 project)
Frank Friedrich (1 project)
Jörg Fröbisch (1 project)
Shinta Fujimoto (2 projects)
Project 2234: Voucher micrographs of marine tardigrades
Project 2294: Videos of Nodarctus hallucis's type material
Hitoshi Furusawa (1 project)
Eugene Gaffney (4 projects)
Manfred Gahr (1 project)
Andrew Gale (1 project)
Henry Galiano (1 project)
Cyril Gallut (1 project)
Maria Alejandra Gandolfo (4 projects)
Project 2600: Fossil Cunoniaceae
Anne-Sarah Ganske (1 project)
Fernando Garberoglio (2 projects)
Daniel Alfredo García-López (1 project)
Alfred Gardner (1 project)
Alberto Garrido (1 project)
Russell Garwood (3 projects)
Project 631: Anatomically modern Carboniferous harvestmen demonstrate early cladogenesis and stasis in Opiliones
Project 793: A plesiomorphic Carboniferous harvestman
Ivonne Garzon (3 projects)
Terry Gates (1 project)
John Gatesy (2 projects)
Timothy Gaudin (4 projects)
Project 291: The phylogeny of living and extinct pangolins (Mammalia, Pholidota) and associated taxa: a morphology based analysis
Jacques Gauthier (3 projects)
Bryan Gee (10 projects)
Project 3339: A juvenile specimen of the trematopid Acheloma from Richards Spur, Oklahoma and challenges of trematopid ontogeny
Project 3418: Retention of fish-like odontode overgrowth in Permian tetrapod dentition supports outside-in theory of tooth origins
Project 3792: Phylogeny of the Metoposauridae
Project 4605: Phylogenetic dataset for: The amphibamiform Nanobamus macrorhinus from the early Permian of Texas
Jonathan Geisler (3 projects)
Project 458: A supermatrix analysis of genomic, morphological, and paleontological data from crown Cetacea
Project 2442: Origin of Filter Feeding in Whales
Javier Gelfo (3 projects)
Project 3326: First skeleton of the notoungulate mammal Notostylops murinus and palaeobiology of Eocene Notostylopidae.
François Génier (2 projects)
Philippe Geniez (1 project)
Gabriele Gentile (1 project)
Mare Geraerts (2 projects)
Damien Germain (1 project)
Project 2291: Proteroctopus ribeti in coleoid evolution
David Gernandt (1 project)
Project 3854: Incorporating fossils into the Pinaceae tree of life
Killian Gernelle (2 projects)
Hanyeh Ghaffari (1 project)
Emmanuel Gheerbrant (1 project)
Luciana Giachetti (1 project)
Andres Giallombardo (1 project)
Norberto Giannini (1 project)
Paul Gignac (2 projects)
Christopher Gilbert (3 projects)
Ariel M. Gilligan (1 project)
Simone Giovanardi (1 project)
Project 3958: Kairuku waewaeroa description
Gonzalo Giribet (14 projects)
Project 199: Morphological data matrix of the Opiliones suborder Cyphophthalmi (Arthropoda: Arachnida)
Project 422: Is Ellipura monophyletic? A combined analysis of basal hexapod relationships with emphasis on the origin of insects
Project 631: Anatomically modern Carboniferous harvestmen demonstrate early cladogenesis and stasis in Opiliones
Project 793: A plesiomorphic Carboniferous harvestman
Project 912: Morphological data matrix of the Opiliones suborder Cyphophthalmi (Arthropoda: Arachnida)
Project 987: Phylogenetics of scolopendromorph centipedes: Can denser taxon sampling improve an artificial classification?
Project 2216: The myriapod tree of life
Ben King Gmail (1 project)
Tiziana Gobbin (1 project)
Pascal Godefroit (1 project)
Pedro Godoy (1 project)
Eugenia Gold (1 project)
Suzann Goldberg (2 projects)
Janaina Gomes-da-Silva (1 project)
R. Antonio Gomez (2 projects)
Raul Gomez (1 project)
Rodrigo Gonçalves (1 project)
Brett Gonzalez (1 project)
Project 3226: Phylogeny and systematics of Aphroditiformia
Rubén González-Miguéns (1 project)
Project 4082: Cyphoderia ampulla
Katherine Goodenberger (1 project)
Jessica Goodheart (1 project)
Cidambi Gopal (49 projects)
Project 5330: A cladistic analysis of the horses of the tribe Equini
Project 5419: Origin and phylogeny of velatid asteroids (Echinodermata, Neoasteroidea)-new evidence from the Jurassic
Project 5426: The Relationships of Biserial Graptolites
Project 5453: Lower limits of ornithischian dinosaur body size inferred from a new Upper Jurassic heterodontosaurid from North America
Project 5454: Phylogeny of the conodont genera Hindeodus and Isarcicella across the Permian-Triassic boundary
Project 5456: The phylogeny and taxonomy of Hippopotamidae (Mammalia: Artiodactyla): a review based on morphology and cladistic analysis
Project 5536: A superarmored lobopodian from the Cambrian of China and early disparity in the evolution of Onychophora
Project 5546: Taxonomy and ontogeny of the Lituitida (Cephalopoda) from Orthoceratite Limestone erratics (Middle Ordovician)
Project 5550: Early Palaeogene Louisinidae (Macroscelidea, Mammalia), their relationships and north European diversity
Project 5568: A New Metriorhynchid Crocodilian (Mesoeucrocodylia: Thalattosuchia) from the Kimmeriddian (Upper Jurassic) of Wiltshire, UK
Project 5574: Revision of Oligocene Mediterranean meandroid corals in the scleractinian families Mussidae, Merulinidae and Lobophylliidae
Project 5576: The classification of athyridid brachiopods
Project 5585: Revision of the Ordovician plectambonitoid brachiopod Ujukella Andreev and related genera
Project 5610: Phylogenetic response of naraoiid arthropods to early-middle Cambrian environmental change
Project 5613: Three new naraoiid species from the Burgess Shale, with a morphometric and phylogenetic reinvestigation of Naraoiidae
Project 5614: Yamaceratops Dorngobiensis, a New Primitive Ceratopsian (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) from the Cretaceous of Mongolia
Project 5624: A new Miocene odobenid (Mammalia: Carnivora) from Hokkaido, Japan, and its implications for odobenid phylogeny
Project 5630: First cladistic analysis of the trilobite family Olenidae from the Furongian and Ordovician
Project 5634: Acuetzpalin carranzai gen et sp. nov. A new ophthalmosauridae (Ichthyosauria) from the Upper Jurassic of Durango, North Mexico
Project 5651: A new Lower Cretaceous (lower Albian) ichthyosaur genus from the Clearwater Formation, Alberta, Canada
Project 5653: A New Genus of Middle Tremadocian Orthoceratoids and the Early Ordovician Origin of Orthoceratoid Cephalopods
Project 5655: Oryctocephalids (Corynexochida: Trilobita) of the Lower-Middle Cambrian boundary interval from California and Nevada
Eric Gorscak (4 projects)
Neil Gostling (2 projects)
Michael Gottfried (1 project)
Project 45: Cretaceous Myliobatids from Mali
Tricia Goulding (1 project)
Dan Graf (1 project)
Jaimi Gray (2 projects)
Todd Green (1 project)
Sue Greene (1 project)
David R. Greenwood (1 project)
Renato Gregorin (1 project)
Maja Greminger (1 project)
Chris Griffin (3 projects)
Project 2188: Asilisaurus ontogeny
Joseph Groenke (1 project)
Pauline Guenser (2 projects)
Caio Gueratto (1 project)
Noemi Guil (2 projects)
Gregg Gunnell (3 projects)
Shery Han (1 project)
Fenglu Han (2 projects)
Suzanne Hand (2 projects)
Jesper G. Hansen (1 project)
Project 2234: Voucher micrographs of marine tardigrades
Taylor Harding (1 project)
Saki Harii (1 project)
Project 4065: Delineating species boundaries in tabular Acropora
Elizabeth Harper (1 project)
James Harris (1 project)
Lachlan Hart (2 projects)
Project 4360: Arenaerpeton data set
Project 5249: Ferruaspis data set
Michael Harvey (1 project)
Mathias Harzhauser (1 project)
Yoshikazu Hasegawa (1 project)
Lica Haseyama (1 project)
Alex Hastings (1 project)
Warren D. Hauk (1 project)
James Hayden (1 project)
Sarah Hayer (1 project)
Kenneth Hayes (1 project)
Reilly Hayes (1 project)
John Healy (1 project)
Christian Heck (3 projects)
Project 2750: Ontogenetic changes in the long bone microstructure in the nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus)
Nicola Heckeberg (1 project)
Thomas Hegna (7 projects)
Project 456: Testing the phylogenetic position of Cambrian pancrustacean larval fossils by coding ontogenetic stages
Project 2621: The Phylogeny and Evolution of Some Phacopid Trilobites
Maria Heikkilä (1 project)
Kelly Heilbronn (1 project)
Kate Heim (12 projects)
Project 5330: A cladistic analysis of the horses of the tribe Equini
Project 5340: Evolutional trends and palaeobiogeography of the Ordovician trilobite Ovalocephalus Koroleva 1959
Project 5433: A new genus of sinogaleaspids (Galeaspida, stem-Gnathostomata) from the Silurian Period in Jiangxi, China
Project 5438: A new stemmed echinoderm from the Furongian of China and the origin of Glyptocystitida (Blastozoa, Echinodermata)
Project 5439: Species-level phylogenetic revision of the Ordovician orthide brachiopod Glyptorthis from North America
Project 5494: Phylogenetic relationships of leptellinid brachiopods
Miriam Heingard (1 project)
Christophe Hendrickx (1 project)
Amy Henrici (2 projects)
Patrick Herendeen (2 projects)
Steven Heritage (3 projects)
Elizabeth Hermsen (1 project)
Santiago Hernandez Del Pino (1 project)
Cristian Hernandez Morales (1 project)
Fabiany Herrera (7 projects)
Project 277: Matrix of Morphological Characters of Humiriaceae
Project 407: Phytogeographic implications of fossil endocarps of Menispermaceae from the Paleocene of Colombia
Project 2387: Morphological matrix of Cupressaceae
Project 3184: Reconstructing Krassilovia mongolica supports recognition of a new and unusual group of Mesozoic conifers
Project 3460: Anacardiaceae Fruits Miocene Panama
Project 3664: A permineralized Early Cretaceous lycopsid from China and the evolution of crown clubmosses
Project 3725: Herrera et al 2021 morphological matrix Pinaceae
James Herrera (2 projects)
Hendrik Herzog (1 project)
Robert Hill (6 projects)
Project 2101: A complex hyobranchial apparatus in a Cretaceous dinosaur and the antiquity of the paraglossalia of birds
Project 2150: New fossil scombrid (Pelagia: Scombridae) fishes preserved as predator and prey from the Eocene of Senegal
Christy Hipsley (2 projects)
Project 974: Total evidence matrix for select amphisbaenians
Rick Hochberg (1 project)
Project 5483: Trichocerca similis RCO
Devin Hoffman (1 project)
Eva Hoffman (3 projects)
Simone Hoffmann (6 projects)
Project 526: A Large-Bodied Anomaluroid Rodent from the Earliest Late Eocene of Egypt: Phylogenetic and Biogeographic Implications
Luke Holbrook (5 projects)
Project 1207: Early Eocene fossils suggest that the mammalian order Perissodactyla originated in India
Borja Holgado (1 project)
Michael Hollmann (3 projects)
Patricia Holroyd (2 projects)
David Hone (1 project)
Project 5534: New Monofenestratan
Sara B. Hoot (1 project)
Project 5099: Phylogeny and fruit evolution in Menispermaceae
Melanie Hopkins (4 projects)
Project 3189: Myriapod matrix
Project 3234: Balnibarbiinae
Project 3354: Diplobathrid disparity
Project 4204: Trilobites as living fossils of the Permian
James Hopson (1 project)
Project 2242: Trirachodontidae
Gustavo Hormiga (2 projects)
John Horner (1 project)
Jack Horner (1 project)
Marc Horowitz (1 project)
Project 5330: A cladistic analysis of the horses of the tribe Equini
Jennifer Hoyal Cuthill (2 projects)
Project 2695: Morphological characters of the Petalonamae
Allison Hsiang (1 project)
Dongyu Hu (1 project)
Shell Hu (1 project)
Bing Huang (2 projects)
Project 4501: Variation of Eostropheodonta parvicostellata
Thomas Huelsken (3 projects)
Elijah Hughes (2 projects)
Adam Huttenlocker (5 projects)
Matúš Hyžný (1 project)
Masaya Iijima (1 project)
Brian Ike (16 projects)
Project 5330: A cladistic analysis of the horses of the tribe Equini
Project 5402: Ordovician (Whiterock) calymenid and encrinurid trilobites from the Precordillera of Argentina
Project 5460: Osteology and phylogeny of Robustichthys luopingensis, the largest holostean fish in the Middle Triassic
Project 5484: A taxonomic and phylogenetic study of Kutchithyris – A Jurassic terebratulide from Kutch, India
Project 5557: The morphology and phylogenetic position of the Cambrian lobopodian Diania cactiformis
Project 5588: Missisquoiidae_Lee_et_al_2008
Project 5615: Nucellopsis (Gastropoda, Muricidae), a new genus from the paralic domain of the European Palaeogene
Project 5616: Nanhsiungchelyidae_Joyce_&_Norell_2005
Project 5628: Phylogenetic relationships among nassariid gastropods
Tadahiro Ikeda (1 project)
Project 5293: Tanaka et al. (2024) A new neoceratopsia from Japan
Fabiano Iori (1 project)
Randall Irmis (5 projects)
Jed Irvine (2 projects)
Matias Izquierdo (1 project)
Evgeniy Izvarin (1 project)
John WM Jagt (1 project)
Pawel Jaloszynski (1 project)
Daniel Janies (2 projects)
Shreya Jariwala (163 projects)
Project 4734: Monetianthus mirus gen. et sp. nov., a Nymphaealean Flower from the Early Cretaceous of Portugal
Project 4749: Systematics and paleobiogeographic significance of the Upper Ordovician pterygometopine trilobite Achatella Delo, 1935
Project 4755: Phylogeny and palaeoecology of the Adelophthalmoidea (Arthropoda; Chelicerata; Eurypterida)
Project 4761: Hidden morphological diversity among early tetrapods
Project 4767: A new Lower Permian amphibamid (Dissorophoidea, Temnospondyli) from the fissure fill deposits near Richards Spur, Oklahoma
Project 4769: A new amynodontid from the Eocene of South China and phylogeny of Amynodontidae (Perissodactyla: Rhinocerotoidea)
Project 4777: The cranial anatomy of Kombuisia frerensis Hotton (Synapsida, Dicynodontia) and a new phylogeny of anomodont therapsids
Project 4785: A cladistic analysis of the anomalocystitid mitrates
Project 4787: Systematics of the Acanthoparyphinae (Trilobita), with species from the Silurian of Arctic Canada
Project 4788: A new actinolepid arthrodire (Class Placodermi) from the Lower Devonian Sevy Dolomite, East-Central Nevada
Project 4789: Inverse larval development in a Devonian edrioasteroid from Spain and the phylogeny of Agelacrinitinae
Project 4798: Revision of the Tanzanian dicynodont Dicynodon huenei (Therapsida: Anomodontia) from the Permian Usili Formation
Project 4801: Early Evolution of Phyllocarid Arthropods: Phylogeny and Systematics of Cambrian-Devonian Archaeostracans
Project 4803: The early Triassic rhynchosaur Mesosuchus browni and the interrelationships of basal archosauromorph reptiles
Project 4815: The Role of Developmental Constraints in Shaping Macroevolutionary Patterns of Disparity in Agnostine Arthropods
Project 4822: A new family of Triassic lobsters (Decapoda: Astacidea) from British Columbia and its phylogenetic context
Project 4826: The systematics and phylogeny of the Devonian subfamily Asteropyginae (Trilobita: Phacopida)
Project 4837: Evolutionary and biogeographic patterns in the asteropyginae (trilobita, devonian) delo, 1935
Project 4838: The earliest atrypides and athyridides (Brachiopoda) from the Ordovician of Kazakhstan
Project 4839: A new species ofPalatobaena(Testudines: Baenidae) and a maximum parsimony and Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of Baenidae
Project 4860: Athenacrinusn. gen. and other early echinoderm taxa inform crinoid origin and arm evolution
Project 4861: Two new basal crocodylomorph archosaurs from the Lower Jurassic and the monophyly of the Sphenosuchia
Project 4865: A stem group echinoderm from the basal Cambrian of China and the origins of Ambulacraria
Project 4866: Re-evaluating the phylogenetic position of the enigmatic early Cambrian deuterostome Yanjiahella
Project 4867: Acanthodes and shark-like conditions in the last common ancestor of modern gnathostomes
Project 4910: A primitive sarcopterygian fish with an eyestalk
Project 4963: Hungarosaurus tormai, a new ankylosaur (Dinosauria) from the Upper Cretaceous of Hungary
Project 5006: An Early Cretaceous mammal from the Kuwajima Formation (Tetori Group), Japan, and a reassessment of triconodont phylogeny
Project 5009: Bothriolepid antiarchs (Vertebrata, Placodermi) from the Devonian of the north-western part of the East European Platform
Project 5017: The intrarelationships and evolutionary history of the temnospondyl family branchiosauridae
Project 5018: Materials and Methods
Project 5155: A taxonomic and phylogenetic review of the anhanguerid pterosaur group Coloborhynchinae and the new clade Tropeognathinae
Project 5158: Skeletal homologies, phylogeny and classification of the earliest asterozoan echinoderms
Project 5159: Phylogeny and Biogeography of Pholadid Bivalve Barnea (Anchomasa) with Considerations on the Phylogeny of Pholadoidea
Project 5160: Form, Function, and Anatomy of Dorudon Atrox (Mammalia, Cetacea): An Archaeocete from the Middle to Late Eocene of Egypt
Project 5162: The Lower Ordovician (upper Floian) bathyurid trilobite Aponileus Hu, with species from Utah, Texas, and Greenland
Project 5166: Ontogeny and relationships of the Ordovician odontopleurid trilobite Ceratocara, with new species from Argentina and New York
Project 5167: Mojoceratops perifania, a new chasmosaurine ceratopsid from the late Campanian of Western Canada
Project 5170: Species Taxonomy, Phylogeny, and Biogeography of the Brontotheriidae (Mammalia: Perissodactyla)
Project 5172: A new species of Chasmosaurus (Dinosauria: Ceratopsia) from the Dinosaur Park Formation of southern Alberta
Project 5174: Phylogeny of Arenig to Caradoc crinoids (Phylum Echinodermata) and suprageneric classification of the Crinoidea
Project 5175: Redescription of Ellimma branneri and Diplomystus shengliensis, and Relationships of Some Basal Clupeomorphs
Project 5179: Phylogeny of calceocrinid crinoids (Paleozoic: Echinodermata): Biogeography and mosaic evolution
Project 5180: Testing the Darwinian legacy of the Cambrian radiation using trilobite phylogeny and biogeography
Project 5183: Systematics and biogeography of the "Malvinella group," Calmoniidae (Trilobita, Devonian)
Project 5184: Devonian rhizodontids and tristichopterids (Sarcopterygii; Tetrapodomorpha) from East Gondwana
Project 5185: A new brachyopid temnospondyl from theCynognathusAssemblage Zone, Upper Beaufort Group, South Africa
Project 5186: Probing the cassiduloid origins of clypeasteroid echinoids using stratigraphically restricted parsimony analysis
Project 5204: A skeleton of a Uintan machaeroidine creodont and the phylogeny of carnivorous eutherian mammals
Project 5205: The earliest fossil record of Belidae and its implications for the early evolution of Curculionoidea (Coleoptera)
Project 5212: The origin of chalicotheres (Perissodactyla, Mammalia)
Project 5213: New Horned Dinosaurs from Utah Provide Evidence for Intracontinental Dinosaur Endemism
Project 5214: Rooting phylogenies of problematic fossil taxa; a case study using cinctans (stem-group echinoderms)
Project 5215: Latimeria chalumnae and its pedigree
Project 5216: A new notosuchian from the Early Cretaceous of Niger
Project 5230: Cladistic analysis of cassiduloid echinoids: trying to see the phylogeny for the trees
Project 5254: Devonian actinopterygian phylogeny and evolution based on a redescription of Stegotrachelus finlayi
Project 5256: Testing Phylogenetic Relationships of Floian (Ordovician) Graptolite Records from Argentina Through Cladistic Analysis
Project 5260: A basal troodontid from the Early Cretaceous of China
Project 5261: A giant dapediid from the Late Triassic of Switzerland and insights into neopterygian phylogeny
Project 5262: Revising the systematic position of the extinct family Daohugoidae (basal Hymenoptera)
Project 5272: Osteology of the cryptocleidoid plesiosaurTatenectes laramiensis, with comments on the taxonomic status of the Cimoliasauridae
Project 5296: Tip-dating and homoplasy: reconciling the shallow molecular divergences of modern gharials with their long fossil record
Project 5297: Pliocene crocodiles from Kanapoi, Turkana Basin, Kenya
Project 5303: New Cretaceous crabs (Crustacea, Brachyura) test project
Project 5329: An Eocene Bunodont South American Native Ungulate (Didolodontidae) from the Lumbrera Formation, Salta Province, Argentina
Project 5330: A cladistic analysis of the horses of the tribe Equini
Project 5337: Phylogenetic analysis of the early tabulate corals
Project 5354: The Phylogeny of Ceratosauria (Dinosauria: Theropoda)
Project 5376: A new Lower Permian trematopid (Temnospondyli: Dissorophoidea) from Richards Spur, Oklahoma
Project 5377: A new dissorophoid temnospondyl from the Allegheny Group (late Carboniferous) of Five Points, Mahoning County, Ohio (USA)
Project 5380: A short-armed dromaeosaurid from the Jehol Group of China with implications for early dromaeosaurid evolution
Project 5385: Anagenetic Evolution of The Early Tithonian Ammonite Genus Semiformiceras Tested with Cladistic Analysis
Project 5406: Retiolitine graptolites from the Aeronian and lower Telychian (Llandovery, Silurian) of Arctic Canada
Project 5419: Origin and phylogeny of velatid asteroids (Echinodermata, Neoasteroidea)-new evidence from the Jurassic
Project 5426: The Relationships of Biserial Graptolites
Project 5442: Intracolony variation in skeletal growth rates in Paleozoic ramose trepostome bryozoans
Project 5443: A Middle Jurassic heterodontosaurid dinosaur from Patagonia and the evolution of heterodontosaurids
Emilia Jarochowska (4 projects)
Project 3589: Growth and feeding ecology of coniform conodonts
Xavier Jenkins (1 project)
Josh Jenkins Shaw (1 project)
Ronald Jenner (2 projects)
Cheng Ji (3 projects)
Jia Jia (1 project)
Da-Yong Jiang (1 project)
Paulina Jimenez Huidobro (1 project)
Kjell Arne Johanson (1 project)
Project 410: Phylogeny of the Ecnomidae (Insecta: Trichoptera)
Jithin Johnson (1 project)
Project 4373: Pseudoscorpions (family Chthoniidae) from Burmese amber
Robert Johnson (1 project)
Nikolas Johnston (1 project)
Tiffany Jones (1 project)
Janeen Jones (1 project)
Matthew Jones (1 project)
Donald Jones (1 project)
Project 5330: A cladistic analysis of the horses of the tribe Equini
Katherine Jordan (1 project)
Project 4204: Trilobites as living fossils of the Permian
Maria Jorge (2 projects)
Stéphane Jouve (1 project)
Walter Joyce (2 projects)
Aslak Jørgensen (1 project)
Project 2234: Voucher micrographs of marine tardigrades
Bryan Juarez (1 project)
Project 689: Pancrustacea Phylogeny and Divergence Times
Nathan Jud (7 projects)
Project 2403: Morphology of Calophyllaceae
Project 2506: Morphology of Rhamnaceae (flowers and leaves)
Project 2533: Schizomereae phylogeny
Project 2600: Fossil Cunoniaceae
Project 2691: Todea
Matthew Julius (1 project)
Project 2490: CyclotellaCS3 (from P910)
Lindsay Jurgielewicz (1 project)
Christian Kammerer (3 projects)
Ming Yan Kan (1 project)
Project 5330: A cladistic analysis of the horses of the tribe Equini
VIVESH KAPUR (1 project)
Hiroaki Karasawa (1 project)
Gao Ke-Qin (2 projects)
Project 2501: Genibatrachus
Shimona Kealy (1 project)
Project 858: Dasyuromorphia Craniodental and Postcranial Matrix
Benjamin Kear (2 projects)
Project 3403: A polar dinosaur feather assemblage from Australia
Maureen Kearney (1 project)
Maximilian Kellermann (1 project)
Alexander Wilhelm Armin Kellner (1 project)
Latimer Kells (8 projects)
Project 5330: A cladistic analysis of the horses of the tribe Equini
Project 5406: Retiolitine graptolites from the Aeronian and lower Telychian (Llandovery, Silurian) of Arctic Canada
Project 5415: A preliminary study on the relationship of the early dicronograptids based on cladistic analysis
Valentin Kelz (1 project)
Darlene R. Ketten (1 project)
Charalampos Kevrekidis (1 project)
Tosh Kimura (3 projects)
Ben King (1 project)
Christopher Kirk (1 project)
Birgit Klein (1 project)
Ben Kligman (3 projects)
Hans Klompen (1 project)
Seraina Klopfstein (1 project)
Ashley Klymiuk (1 project)
Project 632: Seed Cone Morphology (Pinaceae)
Nicolás Koch (1 project)
Andre Koch (1 project)
Claudia Koch (7 projects)
Project 3946: CT-data of skull of Selvasaura almendarizae sp. nov.
Project 4120: A new and very spiny lizard (Gymnophthalmidae: Echinosaura) from the Andes in northwestern Ecuador
Gunther Koehler (1 project)
Christian Kolb (1 project)
Project 2083: Mammal hard tissue histology
Małgorzata Kolicka (1 project)
Peter Kondrashov (1 project)
Project 567: Tetraclaenodon phylogeny
Takuya Konishi (1 project)
Fedor Konstantinov (1 project)
Martin Košťák (1 project)
Brian Kraatz (2 projects)
David Krause (2 projects)
Michael Krings (1 project)
Project 5499: Romaleodelphis pollerspoecki
Juergen Kriwet (1 project)
Andreas Kroh (1 project)
Andrew Krug (2 projects)
Isabelle Kruta (1 project)
Project 2291: Proteroctopus ribeti in coleoid evolution
Michael Krützen (1 project)
Kenneth Krysko (1 project)
Daniel Ksepka (4 projects)
Project 332: Podargiform Affinities of the Enigmatic Fluvioviridavis platyrhamphus and the Early Diversification of Strisores (
Project 489: Basal Titanosauriformes Phylogeny
Aaron Kufner (2 projects)
Project 3792: Phylogeny of the Metoposauridae
Zoe Kulik (5 projects)
Martin Kundrat (1 project)
Project 3403: A polar dinosaur feather assemblage from Australia
Matjaz Kuntner (1 project)
Janina Kypke (1 project)
Sandrine Ladeveze (1 project)
Linda Lagebro (1 project)
Adam Laing (1 project)
Michael Lam (1 project)
Matthew Lamanna (1 project)
Olivier Lambert (5 projects)
Project 2439: Cynthiacetus peruvianus
Project 2655: Mystacodon selenensis
Project 3380: Peregocetus pacificus
James Lamsdell (16 projects)
Project 537: The systematics and phylogeny of the Stylonurina (Arthropoda: Chelicerata: Eurypterida)
Project 542: The eurypterid Stoermeropterus conicus from the lower Silurian Pentland Hills, Scotland
Project 724: Revised systematics of Palaeozoic
Project 780: Babes in the wood
Project 2191: A new Ordovician arthropod from the Winneshiek Lagerst
Project 2804: Harpetid Character Matrix
Project 3497: The phylogeny and systematics of Xiphosura
Neil Landman (1 project)
Project 2291: Proteroctopus ribeti in coleoid evolution
Jasmin Lantos (1 project)
D.J. Larkey (1 project)
Hans CE Larsson (1 project)
MIchel Laurin (1 project)
Juan Leardi (2 projects)
Aaron LeBlanc (1 project)
Mike Lee (2 projects)
Project 3471: A Late Devonian coelacanth reconfigures actinistian phylogeny, disparity, and evolutionary dynamics
Project 3480: Tetrapodomorph phylogeny
Dong-Chan Lee (1 project)
Lucas Legendre (2 projects)
David Legg (4 projects)
Thomas Lehmann (1 project)
Samuli Lehtonen (1 project)
Project 3655: Exploring phylogeny of the marattialean ferns
Alfred Lemierre (2 projects)
Jennifer Lenihan (1 project)
Project 2202: Morphology of Gregory's diverticulum in sand dollars
Isabella Leonhard (1 project)
Project 3589: Growth and feeding ecology of coniform conodonts
Rudy Lerosey-Aubril (1 project)
Richard Leschen (1 project)
Delano Lewis (1 project)
Qiang Li (1 project)
Hu Li (1 project)
Jiachun Li (1 project)
Fabrice Lihoreau (2 projects)
Maggie Limbeck (1 project)
Wen-Bin Lin (1 project)
Sara Lindsay (1 project)
Curt LIsle (1 project)
Jun Liu (4 projects)
Juan Liu (2 projects)
Xingyue Liu (2 projects)
Mark Loewen (1 project)
Project 964: Nasutoceratops titusi phylogeny
John Long (4 projects)
Project 3471: A Late Devonian coelacanth reconfigures actinistian phylogeny, disparity, and evolutionary dynamics
Project 3480: Tetrapodomorph phylogeny
Project 3818: Megalichthyid phylogeny
Emma Long (2 projects)
Project 3927: Organ systems of a lobopod-bearing euarthropod larva
Project 5014: Palaeocharinid trigonotarbid mouthparts
Brooke Long-Fox (84 projects)
Project 4307: A well-preserved new mid-paleocene penguin (Aves, Sphenisciformes) from the Waipara Greensand in New Zealand
Project 4308: Phylogeny of split‐footed lacewings (Neuroptera, Nymphidae), with descriptions of new Cretaceous fossil species from China
Project 4310: Uncovering hidden coral diversity: a new cryptic lobophylliid scleractinian from the Indian Ocean
Project 4315: The oldest known mastotermitids (Blattodea: Termitoidae) and phylogeny of basal termites
Project 4318: The Ordovician diversification of sea urchins: systematics of the Bothriocidaroida (Echinodermata: Echinoidea)
Project 4329: Phylogeny and anatomy of marine mussels (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) reveal convergent evolution of siphon traits
Project 4336: The osteology of Ferrodraco lentoni, an anhanguerid pterosaur from the mid-Cretaceous of Australia
Project 4359: New fossil penguins (Aves, Sphenisciformes) from the Oligocene of New Zealand reveal the skeletal plan of stem penguins
Project 4431: A large-sized basal ankylopollexian from East Asia, shedding light on early biogeographic history of Iguanodontia
Project 4439: Modeling scale morphogenesis in a Devonian chondrichthyan and scale growth patterns in crown gnathostomes
Project 4446: Synchrotron scanning reveals amphibious ecomorphology in a new clade of bird-like dinosaurs
Project 4447: A new diapsid with a unique tooth structure from the Middle Triassic (Ladinian) of Germany
Project 4734: Monetianthus mirus gen. et sp. nov., a Nymphaealean Flower from the Early Cretaceous of Portugal
Project 4738: Phylogeny of Fossil and Extant Freshwater Crayfish and Some Closely Related Nephropid Lobsters
Project 4741: Phylogeny, diversity, and ecology of the ammonoid superfamily acanthoceratoidea through the Cenomanian and Turonian
Project 4748: Evolution and phylogenetic relationships of Neogene Corbulidae (Bivalvia; Myoidea) of tropical America
Project 4755: Phylogeny and palaeoecology of the Adelophthalmoidea (Arthropoda; Chelicerata; Eurypterida)
Project 4756: Revision of the Antillocaprinidae Mac Gillavry (Hippuritida, Bivalvia) and their position within the Caprinoidea d’Orbigny
Project 4757: A new Beloceras species (Ammonoidea; Late Devonian) from eastern Iran and a phylogenetic analysis of the Beloceratidae
Project 4761: Hidden morphological diversity among early tetrapods
Project 4763: Morphological and systematic reinterpretation of two enigmatic edrioasteroids (Echinodermata) from Canada
Project 4767: A new Lower Permian amphibamid (Dissorophoidea, Temnospondyli) from the fissure fill deposits near Richards Spur, Oklahoma
Project 4768: Cladistic analysis of the ‘trepostome’ Suborder Esthonioporina and the systematics of Palaeozoic bryozoans
Project 4780: The family Goneplacidae MacLeay, 1838 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura): systematics, phylogeny, and fossil records
Project 4787: Systematics of the Acanthoparyphinae (Trilobita), with species from the Silurian of Arctic Canada
Project 4788: A new actinolepid arthrodire (Class Placodermi) from the Lower Devonian Sevy Dolomite, East-Central Nevada
Project 4789: Inverse larval development in a Devonian edrioasteroid from Spain and the phylogeny of Agelacrinitinae
Project 5303: New Cretaceous crabs (Crustacea, Brachyura) test project
Project 5321: The oldest Megalonychidae (Xenarthra: Tardigrada); phylogenetic relationships and an emended diagnosis of the family
Project 5330: A cladistic analysis of the horses of the tribe Equini
Project 5340: Evolutional trends and palaeobiogeography of the Ordovician trilobite Ovalocephalus Koroleva 1959
Project 5348: Agnostoid trilobites from the Henson Gletscher and Kap Stanton formations (Middle Cambrian), North Greenland
Project 5415: A preliminary study on the relationship of the early dicronograptids based on cladistic analysis
Project 5419: Origin and phylogeny of velatid asteroids (Echinodermata, Neoasteroidea)-new evidence from the Jurassic
Project 5429: A new basal hadrosauroid dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous of Uzbekistan and the early radiation of duck-billed dinosaurs
Project 5443: A Middle Jurassic heterodontosaurid dinosaur from Patagonia and the evolution of heterodontosaurids
Project 5450: A new species of Hathliacynidae (Metatheria, Sparassodonta) from the middle Miocene of Quebrada Honda, Bolivia
Project 5453: Lower limits of ornithischian dinosaur body size inferred from a new Upper Jurassic heterodontosaurid from North America
Project 5454: Phylogeny of the conodont genera Hindeodus and Isarcicella across the Permian-Triassic boundary
Project 5568: A New Metriorhynchid Crocodilian (Mesoeucrocodylia: Thalattosuchia) from the Kimmeriddian (Upper Jurassic) of Wiltshire, UK
Project 5576: The classification of athyridid brachiopods
Project 5610: Phylogenetic response of naraoiid arthropods to early-middle Cambrian environmental change
Project 5614: Yamaceratops Dorngobiensis, a New Primitive Ceratopsian (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) from the Cretaceous of Mongolia
Nicholas Longrich (1 project)
Víctor López Rojas (2 projects)
Adriana López-Arbarello (6 projects)
Project 735: Phylogeney of Ginglymodi
Project 1105: Triassic ionoscopiformes from the
Project 2196: Neopterygian phylogeny: the merger assay
Project 2197: Phylogenetic relationships of
Project 2348: New callipurbeckiid genus (Ginglymodi: Semionotiformes) from the Tithonian (Late Jurassic) of Canjuers, France
Project 3211: Esosemionotus (Neopterygii: Ginglymodi)
Sergi López-Torres (1 project)
Project 3264: New omomyoids from the Eocene of California
Malena Lorente (1 project)
Stephanie Loria (2 projects)
Project 3719: Heterometrinae Matrix
Sarah Losso (1 project)
Jing Lu (1 project)
Project 3818: Megalichthyid phylogeny
Kyle Luckenbill (1 project)
Eric Lund (1 project)
John Lundberg (1 project)
Zhe-Xi Luo (5 projects)
Project 691: Juramaia Mammaliaform matrix 1
Project 692: Juramaia Eutherian matrix 2
Javier Luque (8 projects)
Project 3399: New remains of Neotropical bunodont litopterns and the systematics of Megadolodinae (Mammalia: Litopterna). Extended matrix
Project 3533: Exceptional preservation of mid-Cretaceous marine arthropods and the evolution of novel forms via heterochrony
Project 3561: Exceptional preservation of comma shrimp from a mid-Cretaceous Lagerstätte of Colombia, and the origins of crown Cumacea
Project 3989: The oldest peracarid crustacean reveals a Late Devonian freshwater colonization by isopod relatives
Tyler Lyson (3 projects)
Xiaoya Ma (2 projects)
Martine E Maan (1 project)
Loredana Macaluso (2 projects)
Project 4061: Hambach new proteid
Luis Machado (1 project)
Ross MacPhee (1 project)
Project 4079: Cranial Morphology of Panperissodacyla
Thomas Macrini (2 projects)
Zanildo Macungo (1 project)
Project 4019: Emydopoidea braincase
Daniel Madzia (1 project)
Ivan Magalhães (1 project)
Tea Maho (3 projects)
Ross Mair (1 project)
Peter Makovicky (1 project)
Nikolaus Malchus (2 projects)
Dale Malinzak (1 project)
Raymond Malou (1 project)
Steven Manchester (1 project)
Project 3460: Anacardiaceae Fruits Miocene Panama
Philip Mannion (2 projects)
Marisol Manns (18 projects)
Project 5330: A cladistic analysis of the horses of the tribe Equini
Project 5385: Anagenetic Evolution of The Early Tithonian Ammonite Genus Semiformiceras Tested with Cladistic Analysis
Project 5413: Two new Silurian species of Eurypterus (Chelicerata: Eurypterida) from Norway and Canada and the phylogeny of the genus
Project 5431: Lower Cambrian (Branchian) eodiscoid trilobites from the lower Brigus Formation, Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland, Canada
Project 5442: Intracolony variation in skeletal growth rates in Paleozoic ramose trepostome bryozoans
Project 5445: A new species of Gryposaurus (Dinosauria: Hadrosauridae) from the late Campanian Kaiparowits Formation, southern Utah, USA
Project 5447: Relating Ediacaran Fronds
Project 5471: Computer-aided restoration of a Late Cambrian ceratopygid trilobite from Wales, and its phylogenetic implications
Project 5498: Phylogenetics, systematics, paleoecology, and evolution of the trilobite genera Paladin and Kaskia from the United States
Project 5520: Systematics of the Koneprusiine Trilobites, with New Taxa from the Silurian and Devonian of Laurentia
Fangyuan Mao (2 projects)
Marc Mapalo (1 project)
Fabrizio Marcondes (1 project)
Lianna Marilao (1 project)
Maggie Marotta (2 projects)
Giuseppe Marramà (1 project)
Giuseppe Marrama' (3 projects)
Adam Marsh (3 projects)
Stephen Marshall (1 project)
Christopher Marshall (1 project)
Project 3344: Tooth Loss Precedes the Origin of Baleen in Whales
Julio Marsola (1 project)
Robert Martin (1 project)
Jesse Martin (1 project)
Jeremy Martin (1 project)
Ricardo Martinez (1 project)
Leandro C.A. Martínez (1 project)
Bidane Martinez Huerta (11 projects)
Project 4311: The cranial anatomy of the long-snouted tyrannosaurid dinosaur Qianzhousaurus sinensis from the Upper Cretaceous of China
Project 4315: The oldest known mastotermitids (Blattodea: Termitoidae) and phylogeny of basal termites
Project 4336: The osteology of Ferrodraco lentoni, an anhanguerid pterosaur from the mid-Cretaceous of Australia
Project 4439: Modeling scale morphogenesis in a Devonian chondrichthyan and scale growth patterns in crown gnathostomes
Luciana Martins (1 project)
Jeff Martz (1 project)
Jeffrey Martz (1 project)
Felix Marx (11 projects)
Project 374: The more the merrier? A large cladistic analysis of mysticetes, and comments on the transition from teeth to baleen
Project 687: Baleen boom and bust
Project 2225: A new species of Metopocetus (Cetacea, Mysticeti, Cetotheriidae) from the Late Miocene of the Netherlands
Project 2238: Mighty things from small beginnings grow: a new toothed
Project 2452: A new Miocene baleen whale from the Peruvian desert
Project 3422: Fossil balaenid from Belgium
Federico Masini (1 project)
Tobias Massonne (1 project)
Rafel Matamales (1 project)
Octávio Mateus (2 projects)
Kelly Matsunaga (1 project)
Trish Mattioli (2 projects)
Camilo Mattoni (1 project)
Giovanni Mauricio (1 project)
Erin Maxwell (1 project)
Gerald Mayr (2 projects)
Tomáš Mazuch (4 projects)
Paul Mazza (1 project)
Michele Mazza (1 project)
Christian McCall (1 project)
Jacob McCartney (2 projects)
Michael McGowen (1 project)
Miguel Medrano (1 project)
Rahul Mehrotra (1 project)
Erik Meijaard (1 project)
Tomaz Panceri Melo (2 projects)
Keegan Melstrom (1 project)
Jin Meng (5 projects)
Bastien Mennecart (1 project)
Massimo Meregalli (2 projects)
Margarita Metallinou (1 project)
Peter Michalik (4 projects)
Paula Mikkelsen (1 project)
Mark Miller (1 project)
Madeleine Milne (3 projects)
Project 2423: Variation in leaf venation in Rocky Mountain hawthorns: implications for geographical parthenogenesis
Zhu Min (2 projects)
Aurélien Miralles (2 projects)
Juan Marcos Mirande (6 projects)
Project 2435: Combined phylogeny of ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii) and the use of morphological characters in large-scale analyses
Project 2477: Phycocharax rasbora, a new genus and species of Brazilian tetra (Characiformes: Characidae) from Serra do Cachimbo, rio Tapaj
Jessica Mitchell (1 project)
Kazunori Miyata (1 project)
Olof Moleman (1 project)
Carrie Mongle (4 projects)
Project 3151: Expanded character sampling underscores phylogenetic stability of Ardipithecus ramidus as a basal hominin
Project 3730: Au. sediba phylogeny
Richard Monk (1 project)
Matteo Montagna (1 project)
Amanda Monte (1 project)
Felipe Montefeltro (2 projects)
Daniela Monti (2 projects)
Project 4112: Phylogeny of Hypermecaspididae
Rich Mooi (1 project)
Project 2202: Morphology of Gregory's diverticulum in sand dollars
Benjamin Moon (1 project)
Project 3931: A new phylogeny of ichthyosaurs (Reptilia: Diapsida)
Ben Moon (1 project)
Ethan Mooney (2 projects)
Project 4917: Captorhinus aguti OMNH 52541
Tanisha Moons (1 project)
Andrew Moore (1 project)
Miguel Moreno (2 projects)
Project 2628: First adequately-known quadrupedal sirenian from Eurasia (Eocene, Bay of Biscay, Huesca, northeastern Spain)
Project 3923: Updated phylogeny of Pan-Sirenians
J. W. Moreno-Bernal (1 project)
Gary Morgan (1 project)
Project 240: Florida Mormoopid
Becca Morgan (1 project)
Leif Moritz (9 projects)
Timo Moritz (1 project)
Daniel Andrés Morón-Alfonso (1 project)
Thomas Mörs (1 project)
Project 4061: Hambach new proteid
Susanne Mueller (1 project)
Christian Muizon (4 projects)
Rodrigo Müller (3 projects)
Tara Mulvaney (1 project)
Project 5330: A cladistic analysis of the horses of the tribe Equini
Nahuel Muñoz (1 project)
Mizuki Murakami (1 project)
Duncan Murdock (1 project)
Project 3589: Growth and feeding ecology of coniform conodonts
Jerome Murienne (1 project)
Alison Murray (5 projects)
Grace Musser (5 projects)
Camilla Myers (1 project)
Samantha Mynhardt (1 project)
Nina Nagelmann (1 project)
Jay Nair (1 project)
Darren Naish (1 project)
Daichi Nakai (2 projects)
Tomo Nakano (1 project)
James Napoli (1 project)
Alexander Nater (1 project)
Paulina Nätscher (1 project)
Project 3873: Belemnite Morphology PToB
Gavin Naylor (1 project)
Chris Nelson (1 project)
Project 2403: Morphology of Calophyllaceae
Margot Nelson (1 project)
Sterling Nesbitt (13 projects)
Project 205: A Complete Skeleton of a Late Triassic Saurischian and the Early Evolution of Dinosaurs
Project 332: Podargiform Affinities of the Enigmatic Fluvioviridavis platyrhamphus and the Early Diversification of Strisores (
Project 1187: Convergence analysis of Triopticus primus
Project 2527: The relationships of Triopticus primus
Project 3298: The histology of Suskityrannus hazelae
Austin Nguyen (1 project)
Xijun Ni (5 projects)
Project 684: A euprimate skull from the early Eocene of China
Project 2668: Oligocene primates from China reveal divergence between African and Asian primate evolution
Project 3385: Human evolution
Meg Nibbelink (1 project)
Daniel Nickrent (1 project)
Abigail Nishimura (1 project)
Marcelo Nogueira (1 project)
Mark Norell (5 projects)
Michael Novacek (6 projects)
Matthew G Nowak (1 project)
Patrick O'Connor (4 projects)
Robert O'Flynn (2 projects)
Jose O'Gorman (1 project)
Maureen O'Leary (52 projects)
Project 45: Cretaceous Myliobatids from Mali
Project 49: Marine mammal skeletal data
Project 171: Stem Lagomorpha and the Antiquity of Glires
Project 200: The Position of Cetacea Within Mammalia: Phylogenetic Analysis of Morphological Data from Extinct and Extant Taxa
Project 360: Evolution of social organization: a reappraisal for primates by using phylogenetic methods
Project 510: Higher-order phylogeny of modern birds (Theropoda, Aves: Neornithes) based on comparative anatomy: I.
Project 694: Phylogenetic relationships among sloths (Mammalia, Xenarthra, Tardigrada): the craniodental evidence.
Project 938: An osteology-based appraisal of the phylogeny and evolution of kangaroos and wallabies (Macropodidae: Marsupialia)
Project 946: Comparative anatomy of the petrosal bone of dichobunoids, early members of Artiodactylamorpha (Mammalia)
Project 994: Lone Star Pterosaurs
Project 1020: Wirkner and Richter morphological matrix
Project 2100: Phylogeny of the North American catfish family Ictaluridae (Teleostei: Siluriformes) combining morphology, genes and fossils
Project 2150: New fossil scombrid (Pelagia: Scombridae) fishes preserved as predator and prey from the Eocene of Senegal
Project 2220: Molecular phylogeny of Stryphnodendron (Mimosoideae, Leguminosae) and generic delimitations in the Piptadenia group
Project 2342: Titanosaurian (Dinosauria: Sauropoda) remains from the "Continental Intercalaire" of Mali
Project 2463: Floral Characters in Liliales - A Crowd Sourcing Project
Project 2490: CyclotellaCS3 (from P910)
Project 2491: Phylogenetic reconstruction of Ictaluroidea
Project 2502: Shrimp Morphological Characters-A Crowdsourcing Study
Project 2577: AVAToL: Crowd Sourcing Morphological Matrices
Project 2735: Stratigraphy and Paleobiology of the Upper Cretaceous-Lower Paleogene Sediments from the Trans-Saharan Seaway in Mali
Project 3165: Tsuji, LA. Mandaphon nadra, gen. et sp. nov., a new procolophonid from the Manda Beds of Tanzania
Project 3247: A new lepidosauromorph reptile from the Middle Triassic (Ladinian) of Germany and its phylogenetic relationships
Kelly O'Quin (1 project)
Jingmai O’Connor (2 projects)
Todd Oakley (4 projects)
Project 175: Cylindroleberididae phylogeny
Project 608: Salmon Morphological Matrix
Project 689: Pancrustacea Phylogeny and Divergence Times
Andrés Ojanguren-Affilastro (1 project)
Classius Oliveira (1 project)
Felipe Oliveira Nunes (1 project)
Chloe Olivier (1 project)
Jennifer Olori (1 project)
Chris Olson (1 project)
Valeria Omelko (1 project)
Maeva Orliac (4 projects)
Igor Orlov (1 project)
Victor Orrico (1 project)
Project 3755: The phylogeny of Dendropsophini
Javier Ortega-Hernández (5 projects)
Project 805: A revision of the Late Ordovician marrellomorph arthropod Furca bohemica from Czech Republic
Alejandro Otero (1 project)
Olga Otero (1 project)
Evandro P. Lopes (1 project)
Project 3783: Cabo Verde giant gecko: how many units for conservation?
Kevin Padian (1 project)
Voltaire Paes Neto (1 project)
Alessandro Palci (2 projects)
Luca Pandolfi (1 project)
Mary Pankowski (3 projects)
Project 2621: The Phylogeny and Evolution of Some Phacopid Trilobites
Michael Pankowski (3 projects)
M. C. Pardo-Jaramillo (1 project)
Sara Parent (1 project)
Antoine Pariselle (1 project)
William Parker (1 project)
Bill Parker (2 projects)
Project 1187: Convergence analysis of Triopticus primus
Jara Parrilla-Bel (1 project)
Luke A. Parry (1 project)
Luke Parry (1 project)
Bret Pasch (1 project)
Sheila Patek (1 project)
Biren Patel (1 project)
John Paterson (1 project)
Stephen Pates (3 projects)
Mark Patzkowsky (2 projects)
Sofia Paz-Sedano (2 projects)
Project 3884: Lophodoris danielsseni
Brandon Peecook (1 project)
Rodrigo Pêgas (2 projects)
Tonya Penkrot (1 project)
Brian Penney (1 project)
Project 3166: Aldisa, Cadlina and Onchidoris micro-CT
Mateus Pepinelli (1 project)
Alexandre Percequillo (1 project)
Carlos Peredo (1 project)
Project 3344: Tooth Loss Precedes the Origin of Baleen in Whales
Ananda Regina Pereira Martins (1 project)
Ana Perera (3 projects)
Project 348: Taxonomic revision of the cape verdean reptiles ii
Martin Pereyra (1 project)
María Pérez (1 project)
Damián Perez (3 projects)
Adán Pérez-García (4 projects)
Project 752: Berruchelus russelli, gen. et sp. nov., a paracryptodiran turtle from the Cenozoic of Europe
Project 808: A new genus of Bothremydidae (Chelonii, Pleurodira) in the Cretaceous of Southwestern Europe.
Project 2748: A New Genus for
Sergio Perez-Gonzalez (1 project)
Fernando Perini (4 projects)
Bruno Pernet (1 project)
Vincent Perrier (1 project)
Gitte Petersen (1 project)
Project 415: Alignment, clade robustness and fungal phylogenetics
Wyatt Petryshen (1 project)
Felipe Pinheiro (1 project)
Catarina J. Pinho (2 projects)
Enric Planas (1 project)
Yohan Pochat-Cottilloux (2 projects)
Diego Pol (7 projects)
Project 702: Postcranial anatomy of Sebecus icaeorhinus (Crocodyliformes, Sebecidae) from the Eocene of Patagonia
Project 741: A Middle Jurassic abelisaurid from Patagonia and the early diversification of theropod dinosaurs
Project 3806: New theropod remains from the Late Jurassic Cañadón Calcáreo Formation of Chubut, Argentina
Project 3964: Triassic sauropodomorph dinosaurs from South America: The origin and diversification of dinosaur dominated herbivorous faunas
Project 4034: Spectrovenator phylogenetic analysis
Michael Polcyn (1 project)
Project 4171: 3d models of Ounalashkastylus tomidai Chiba et al 2016
Denis Alejandro Ponce (1 project)
Karen Poole (1 project)
GARY POORE (1 project)
Arthur Porto (1 project)
Nicholas Post (1 project)
Ashley Poust (1 project)
Eberhard D. Pracht (1 project)
Lorenzo Prendini (5 projects)
Project 640: Phylogeny of Parabuthus (Scorpiones, Buthidae)
Zabrina Prescott (1 project)
Pancho Prevosti (1 project)
Gavin Prideaux (2 projects)
Adam Pritchard (6 projects)
Diogo Provete (12 projects)
Project 726: The tadpole of Physalaemus jordanensis Bokermann, 1967 (Anura, Leiuperidae) from Campos do Jord
Kelsey Pugh (1 project)
Project 4257: Phylogenetic analysis of Middle-Late Miocene apes
Nicolas Puillandre (1 project)
Hans Puschel (2 projects)
Nick Pyenson (1 project)
Project 3344: Tooth Loss Precedes the Origin of Baleen in Whales
Tuo Qiao (1 project)
Hanzhi Qu (1 project)
Christopher Quinn (1 project)
Jacob Quinn (1 project)
Sofia Quinones (1 project)
Andrés Sebasián Quinteros (1 project)
Phil R. Bell (1 project)
Rachel Racicot (2 projects)
Project 933: Racicot et al. 2014
Project 5499: Romaleodelphis pollerspoecki
Erik Ragsdale (1 project)
Catalina Ramirez Portilla (2 projects)
Project 4065: Delineating species boundaries in tabular Acropora
Alfonsina Ramon (1 project)
Zachary Randall (1 project)
Brian Rankin (1 project)
Aime Rankin (1 project)
Hans Tore Rapp (1 project)
Irena Raselli (4 projects)
Project 3142: Cranial Morphology of Sea Turtles - Dermochelys coriacea
Project 3143: Cranial Morphology of Sea Turtles - Chelydra serpentina
Project 3146: Cranial Morphology of Sea Turtles - Desmatochelys lowii
Jean-Yves Rasplus (2 projects)
Oliver Rauhut (12 projects)
Project 741: A Middle Jurassic abelisaurid from Patagonia and the early diversification of theropod dinosaurs
Project 826: The theropod dinosaur Elaphrosaurus bambergi Janensch, 1920, from the Late Jurassic of Tendaguru, Tanzania
Project 1076: A new rhynchocephalian from the Late Jurassic of Germany with a dentition that is unique amongst tetrapods
Project 1126: New specimen of Archaeopteryx provides insights into the evolution of pennaceous feathers
Project 2320: A derived sauropodiform dinosaur and other sauropodomorph material from the Late Triassic of Canton Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Project 2532: Re-evaluation of the Haarlem Archaeopteryx and the radiation of maniraptoran theropods
Project 3806: New theropod remains from the Late Jurassic Cañadón Calcáreo Formation of Chubut, Argentina
Abhay Rautela (2 projects)
Project 4947: Gujaratia indica , the oldest artiodactyl (Mammalia) from South Asia: new dental material and phylogenetic relationships
Project 5068: Indian Cretaceous eutriconodontan
Paul Rawson (1 project)
Sanghamitra Ray (1 project)
Hugo Rebelo (1 project)
Jane Reeves (1 project)
Abigail Reft (1 project)
Omar Rafael Regalado Fernandez (1 project)
Bettina Reichenbacher (1 project)
Dong Ren (1 project)
Peer Reviewer (1 project)
Guilherme Ribeiro (2 projects)
Carles Ribera (1 project)
Ignacio Ribera (1 project)
Thomas Rich (1 project)
Project 3403: A polar dinosaur feather assemblage from Australia
Stefan Richter (1 project)
Project 1020: Wirkner and Richter morphological matrix
Martha Richter (1 project)
Tobias Riede (8 projects)
Project 3635: Postnatal development of the mouse larynx
Project 3638: Pygmy mouse songs reveal anatomical innovations underlying acoustic signal elaboration in rodents
Project 4106: Mechanisms of sound production in deer mice (Peromyscus)
Tim Rietbergen (1 project)
Manuel Rigo (1 project)
Aldo Rincon (2 projects)
Ascanio Rincon (1 project)
Duniesky Ríos Tamayo (1 project)
Jorgo Ristevski (1 project)
Project 4602: The last Baru (Crocodylia: Mekosuchinae)
Michael Rix (1 project)
Javier Robalino (2 projects)
Project 2502: Shrimp Morphological Characters-A Crowdsourcing Study
Eric Roberts (2 projects)
Project 45: Cretaceous Myliobatids from Mali
Ninon Robin (1 project)
Vicente Roca (2 projects)
Fernanda Rodrigues Garcez (1 project)
Juan Rodriguez (1 project)
F. Rodriguez-Gonzalez (1 project)
Yann Rollot (3 projects)
Pedro Romano (1 project)
Peter Roopnarine (1 project)
Kenneth Rose (4 projects)
Project 587: New fossils of the oldest North American euprimate Teilhardina brandti(Omomyidae) from the paleocene
Denise Rossa-Feres (1 project)
Gabriella Rossetto-Harris (1 project)
James Rossie (1 project)
Michele Rossini (1 project)
Gertrud Rössner (2 projects)
Project 5499: Romaleodelphis pollerspoecki
Filippo Maria Rotatori (1 project)
Gar Rothwell (10 projects)
Project 2340: Cobbania hickeyi
Project 2359: Phylogenetic diversification of Early Cretaceous seed plants: The compound seed cone of Doylea tetrahedrasperma
Project 2412: How Does the Inclusion of Fossil Data Change Our Conclusions about the Phylogenetic History of Euphyllophytes?
Project 3509: Evolution and phylogeny of Altingiaceae
Project 3626: Hanskerpia gen. nov. and phylogenetic relationships among the most ancient conifers (Voltziales)
Isabelle Rouget (1 project)
Project 2291: Proteroctopus ribeti in coleoid evolution
Guillermo Rougier (4 projects)
Greg Rouse (1 project)
Richard Rubin (1 project)
Project 5330: A cladistic analysis of the horses of the tribe Equini
Kevin Rucci (1 project)
Project 3678: Franciscideres from Argentina
Alexander Ruebenstahl (1 project)
Irina Ruf (1 project)
Project 5499: Romaleodelphis pollerspoecki
Peter T. Rühr (2 projects)
Project 2585: First fossils of the millipede order Siphoniulida
Project 3140: Surface contrast enhancement in X‐ray tomography
Andrej Ruman (1 project)
Diane Rutherford (1 project)
Michael Ryan (1 project)
Project 5293: Tanaka et al. (2024) A new neoceratopsia from Japan
Mark Sabaj (1 project)
Barbod Safaei-Mahroo (2 projects)
Christina L. Sagorny (1 project)
Christina Sagorny (1 project)
Diego Salariato (1 project)
Rodolfo Salas-Gismondi (1 project)
Manuel Salesa (1 project)
Steven Salisbury (1 project)
Project 4602: The last Baru (Crocodylia: Mekosuchinae)
Hesham Sallam (2 projects)
Eduardo Sampaio (1 project)
Paola María Sánchez-Martínez (1 project)
Santiago J. Sanchez-Pacheco (1 project)
Catalina Sanchez-Posada (1 project)
Project 5499: Romaleodelphis pollerspoecki
Martin Sander (1 project)
Robert Sansom (1 project)
Beatriz Santana Borges (1 project)
Bárbara Santos (1 project)
Eric Sargis (1 project)
Raphaël Sarr (1 project)
Andre Sartori (1 project)
Richard Saunders (1 project)
Andrea Savorelli (1 project)
Juliana Manso Sayão (1 project)
John Scannella (1 project)
Marco Schade (1 project)
Christoffer Schander (1 project)
Torsten Scheyer (1 project)
Dorothee Schillo (1 project)
Ján Schlögl (1 project)
Rainer Schoch (2 projects)
Frederick Schram (1 project)
Leif Schröder (1 project)
Randall Schuh (1 project)
Ortwin Schultz (1 project)
Anne Lise Schutte-Vlok (1 project)
Project 635: A Taxonomic Revision of Podalyria (Fabaceae)
Carrie Schweitzer (1 project)
Judi Sclafani (1 project)
Paul Scofield (1 project)
Ole Seehausen (1 project)
Erik Seiffert (4 projects)
Phil Senter (1 project)
Joseph Sertich (1 project)
Jocelyn Sessa (1 project)
Kevin Seymour (1 project)
Emilia Sferco (4 projects)
Project 2196: Neopterygian phylogeny: the merger assay
Project 2197: Phylogenetic relationships of
Tim Shank (1 project)
Prashant P. Sharma (1 project)
Prashant Sharma (2 projects)
Project 793: A plesiomorphic Carboniferous harvestman
Neelima Sharma (1 project)
Liz Shea (1 project)
Sarah Shelley (1 project)
Christen Shelton (1 project)
Emma Sherratt (1 project)
Gongle Shi (3 projects)
Project 3184: Reconstructing Krassilovia mongolica supports recognition of a new and unusual group of Mesozoic conifers
Bryan Shirley (1 project)
Project 3589: Growth and feeding ecology of coniform conodonts
Bruce Shockey (1 project)
Brian Sidlauskas (2 projects)
Christian Sidor (8 projects)
Project 463: Microsaurus from the Permian of Nebraska and Kansas and their Early Morphological Evolution Inferred by Micro-CT
Project 727: Herpetoskylax hopsoni, a New Biarmosuchian (Therapsida: Biarmosuchia) from the Beaufort Group of South Africa
Project 2242: Trirachodontidae
Trond Sigurdsen (1 project)
Julia Sigwart (1 project)
Project 3350: Deviant chiton
Mary Silcox (3 projects)
Project 750: Labidolemur cranial paper
Lizette Siles Mendoza (2 projects)
Walmir Silva Garcez (1 project)
Julian C. V. Silva Junior (1 project)
Samantha Silverbrand (1 project)
Nancy Simmons (14 projects)
Project 240: Florida Mormoopid
Project 246: Fossil Evidence and the Origin of Bats
Project 264: Phylogeny of phyllostomid bats based on morphology, sex chromosomes, and restriction sites
Project 265: Phylogeny of Eocene bats and extant bat families
Project 266: Phylogenetic relationships of mormoopid bats (Chiroptera: Mormoopidae) based on morphological data
Project 510: Higher-order phylogeny of modern birds (Theropoda, Aves: Neornithes) based on comparative anatomy: I.
Project 2577: AVAToL: Crowd Sourcing Morphological Matrices
Marc Simó-Riudalbas (1 project)
Luiz Ricardo Simone (1 project)
Roberto Sindaco (1 project)
Guilherme Siniciato Terra Garbino (1 project)
Frederic Sinniger (1 project)
Project 4065: Delineating species boundaries in tabular Acropora
Kornelia Skibińska (1 project)
Pavel Skutschas (1 project)
Graham Slater (1 project)
Jiri Smid (15 projects)
Project 1006: Two newly recognized species of Hemidactylus
(Squamata, Gekkonidae) from the Arabian
Peninsula and Sinai, Egypt
Project 1069: An additional record of the little known gecko Hemidactylus granchii Lanza, 1978 (Reptilia: Gekkonidae) from Somalia
Project 2813: New records of one of the least known snakes, Telescopus pulcher (Squamata: Colubridae) from the Horn of Africa
Project 3398: Phylogeny and Systematic Revision of the Gecko Genus Hemidactylus from the Horn of Africa (Squamata: Gekkonidae)
Project 4527: Diversity of Sand snakes (Psammophiidae: Psammophis) in the Horn of Africa, with the description of a new species from Somalia
Nathan Smith (4 projects)
Project 205: A Complete Skeleton of a Late Triassic Saurischian and the Early Evolution of Dinosaurs
Andrew Smith (2 projects)
Selena Smith (5 projects)
Project 2463: Floral Characters in Liliales - A Crowd Sourcing Project
Project 3238: Cornalean affinities of Operculifructus infructescences from the Late Cretaceous of Mexico
Krister Smith (2 projects)
Project 2791: Paleoneurology of Saniwa ensidens
Thierry Smith (1 project)
Martin Smith (2 projects)
Project 2800: Hyoliths and early brachiopod evolution
Project 3927: Organ systems of a lobopod-bearing euarthropod larva
Roger Smith (1 project)
Adam Snyder (1 project)
Daniel Snyder (1 project)
Calvin So (3 projects)
Marina Soares (1 project)
Lia Carolina Soares Medeiros (1 project)
Gabriela Sobral (2 projects)
Carmen Soler-Zamora (1 project)
Project 4082: Cyphoderia ampulla
Alexey Solodovnikov (3 projects)
Louis Somma (2 projects)
Xikun Song (4 projects)
Project 3629: Predation behavior of millimeter-sized hydrozoan polyps on early ivory shell juveniles
Project 3801: Advanced Cambrian hydroid fossils (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) extend the medusozoan evolutionary history
Haijun Song (1 project)
Joyce Song (33 projects)
Project 4741: Phylogeny, diversity, and ecology of the ammonoid superfamily acanthoceratoidea through the Cenomanian and Turonian
Project 4756: Revision of the Antillocaprinidae Mac Gillavry (Hippuritida, Bivalvia) and their position within the Caprinoidea d’Orbigny
Project 4757: A new Beloceras species (Ammonoidea; Late Devonian) from eastern Iran and a phylogenetic analysis of the Beloceratidae
Project 4763: Morphological and systematic reinterpretation of two enigmatic edrioasteroids (Echinodermata) from Canada
Project 4768: Cladistic analysis of the ‘trepostome’ Suborder Esthonioporina and the systematics of Palaeozoic bryozoans
Project 4779: Phylogenetic Relationships of Gomphocythere (Ostracoda) in Lake Tanganyika, East Africa
Project 4780: The family Goneplacidae MacLeay, 1838 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura): systematics, phylogeny, and fossil records
Project 4791: Reassessment of ‘Cladodus’neilsoni Traquair: a primitive shark from the Lower Carboniferous of East Kilbridge, Scotland
Project 4792: Two new basal crocodylomorph archosaurs from the Lower Jurassic and the monophyly of the Sphenosuchia
Project 4799: Morphology and phylogenetic interpretation of a new Cambrian edrioasteroid (Echinodermata) from Spain
Project 4821: Burlingiid trilobites from Norway, with a discussion of their affinities and relationships
Project 4824: A Cambrian Series 3 (Guzhangian) trilobite fauna with Centropleura from Christmas Hills, northwestern Tasmania
Project 4843: New Craniodental Materials of Litolophus gobiensis
Project 4846: Cladistic analysis of the suborder Conulariina Miller and Gurley, 1896 (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa; Vendian–Triassic)
SICUN SONG (1 project)
Project 5303: New Cretaceous crabs (Crustacea, Brachyura) test project
Meicen Song (4 projects)
Project 5330: A cladistic analysis of the horses of the tribe Equini
Roland Sookias (1 project)
Louise Souquet (1 project)
Amanda Sousa (1 project)
Camilla Souto (3 projects)
Project 3287: Phylogeny of the Cassidulidae
Geovane Souza (1 project)
Lucy Gomes de Souza (1 project)
El Hadji Sow (1 project)
Tobias Spanke (2 projects)
Michelle Spaulding (6 projects)
Project 367: Spaulding, M and Flynn, J. J. Phylogeny of the Carnivoramorpha: The impact of postcranial characters
Project 528: A New Basal Carnivoramorphan (Mammalia) from the
Elizabeth St Clair (1 project)
Project 49: Marine mammal skeletal data
Thomas Stach (1 project)
Frantisek stahlavsky (1 project)
J. Matthias Starck (1 project)
Project 2802: Body tagmatization in pseudoscorpions
Sid Staubach (1 project)
Philip Steinhoff (1 project)
Juliana Sterli (2 projects)
Ken Sterling (1 project)
Dennis Stevenson (1 project)
Project 2463: Floral Characters in Liliales - A Crowd Sourcing Project
Alycia Stigall (1 project)
Kelsey Stilson (2 projects)
Michelle Stocker (5 projects)
Project 1187: Convergence analysis of Triopticus primus
Project 2527: The relationships of Triopticus primus
Ruth Stockey (1 project)
Project 632: Seed Cone Morphology (Pinaceae)
Christopher Stockey (1 project)
Sabine Stöhr (1 project)
Project 3386: 3D imaging of brittle stars
David Strait (1 project)
Chris Stringer (1 project)
Project 3385: Human evolution
Ellen Strong (2 projects)
Jan Stundl (1 project)
Anna Su (3 projects)
Project 5330: A cladistic analysis of the horses of the tribe Equini
Catalina Suarez (4 projects)
Hans Sues (3 projects)
Jacob Suissa (1 project)
Project 4350: Fern Stelar Morphology
Haijing Sun (1 project)
Project 2800: Hyoliths and early brachiopod evolution
Zuoyu Sun (1 project)
Kartik Sunagar (1 project)
Per Sundberg (1 project)
Vivek Suranse (1 project)
Kantapon Suraprasit (1 project)
Anna Syme (1 project)
Project 175: Cylindroleberididae phylogeny
Gary Takeuchi (1 project)
Tomonori Tanaka (1 project)
Project 5293: Tanaka et al. (2024) A new neoceratopsia from Japan
Keana Tang (2 projects)
Project 3906: Cunoniaceae morphological matrix
Project 4239: Friisifructus aligeri
Athena Tapales (1 project)
Project 5330: A cladistic analysis of the horses of the tribe Equini
Leif Tapanila (2 projects)
Sergei Tarasov (3 projects)
Catherine A. Tauber (5 projects)
Project 146: A new genus and species of green lacewings from Brazil (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae: Leucochrysini)
Project 168: A new species of Leucochrysa and a redescription of Leucochrysa (Nodita) clepsydra Banks (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae)
Project 243: Jatinder's & Zinha's Leucochrysa
Project 459: Mallada albofascialis from Oahu, Hawaii
Maurice J. Tauber (2 projects)
Caleb Tavarez (1 project)
Project 5330: A cladistic analysis of the horses of the tribe Equini
John Taylor (1 project)
Greg Taylor (1 project)
Alda Maria Teixeira Ferreira (1 project)
Ilya Temkin (1 project)
Ole Secher Tendal (1 project)
Weston Testo (1 project)
Edward Theriot (1 project)
Project 2490: CyclotellaCS3 (from P910)
Sally Thomas (1 project)
Fay-yaad Toefy (1 project)
Danilo Tófoli (1 project)
Frederick Tolchard (1 project)
Omar Torres-Carvajal (1 project)
Project 3946: CT-data of skull of Selvasaura almendarizae sp. nov.
Franco Tortello (1 project)
Project 4112: Phylogeny of Hypermecaspididae
Kenny Travouillon (2 projects)
Kate Trinajstic (1 project)
Gillian Trombke (1 project)
Maria Jimena Trotteyn (1 project)
Debbie Trueblood (1 project)
Cheng-Hsiu Tsai (1 project)
Emanuel Tschopp (3 projects)
Z. Jack Tseng (3 projects)
Linda Tsuji (2 projects)
Project 1135: The vertebrate fauna of the Upper Permian of Niger
Alan Turner (11 projects)
Project 205: A Complete Skeleton of a Late Triassic Saurischian and the Early Evolution of Dinosaurs
Project 360: Evolution of social organization: a reappraisal for primates by using phylogenetic methods
Project 694: Phylogenetic relationships among sloths (Mammalia, Xenarthra, Tardigrada): the craniodental evidence.
Project 954: New material of Beelzebufo, a hyperossified frog (Amphibia: Anura) from the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar
Project 979: A new raptorial dinosaur with exceptionally long feathering provides insights into dromaeosaurid flight performance
Sue Turner (3 projects)
Morgan Turner (1 project)
Project 1213: The vertebrate fauna of the Upper Permian of Niger
Samuel Turvey (1 project)
Ron Tykoski (1 project)
Project 4609: A new ornithopod from the Cenomanian of north Texas
Roman Ufimov (1 project)
Mark Uhen (1 project)
Project 3344: Tooth Loss Precedes the Origin of Baleen in Whales
Mario Urbina (1 project)
Josef Uyeda (1 project)
Emilio Vaccari (1 project)
Project 2789: Trinucleida Phylogeny
Boyan Vagalinski (1 project)
Varpu Vahtera (1 project)
M. C. Vallejo-Pareja (1 project)
Barry WM van Bakel (1 project)
Maarten PM Vanhove (1 project)
Sergio Vanin (1 project)
Project 2797: Phylogeny of Anchylorhynchus Schoenherr
Raquel Vasconcelos (8 projects)
Project 346: Taxonomic revision of the Cape Verdean reptiles
Project 348: Taxonomic revision of the cape verdean reptiles ii
Project 2812: A new endemic species of Hemidactylus (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from São Nicolau Island, Cabo Verde
Project 3550: Diet study of geckos reveals the first records of pseudoscorpions on Desertas Islands (Cabo Verde)
Project 3615: Digging in a 120 years-old lunch: what can we learn from collection specimens of extinct species?
Project 3783: Cabo Verde giant gecko: how many units for conservation?
Isabelle Vea (2 projects)
Paul Velazco (11 projects)
Project 2219: Two new tritylodontids (Synapsida, Cynodontia, Mammaliamorpha) from the Upper Jurassic, southwestern Mongolia
Project 2577: AVAToL: Crowd Sourcing Morphological Matrices
Jorge Velez-Juarbe (1 project)
Vivek Venkataraman (1 project)
Barbara Vera (1 project)
Gerlien Verhaegen (3 projects)
Pat Vickers-Rich (1 project)
Project 3403: A polar dinosaur feather assemblage from Australia
Alexandra Viertler (2 projects)
Mariana Viglino (1 project)
Andrea Villa (3 projects)
Project 4061: Hambach new proteid
Project 4069: Geiseltal gecko
Eduardo Villalobos-Segura (1 project)
Natasha Vitek (1 project)
Mike Vivas (1 project)
Project 5330: A cladistic analysis of the horses of the tribe Equini
Evangelos Vlachos (6 projects)
Project 2627: Total evidence analysis and body size evolution of extant and extinct tortoises (Testudines: Cryptodira: Pan-Testudinidae)
Project 2794: A Review of the Fossil Record of North American Turtles of the Clade Pan-Testudinoidea
Project 3466: A large testudinid tortoise with African affinities in the post-Messinian (early Pliocene) record of southeastern Spain
Rosemary Volpe (1 project)
Belen von Baczko (2 projects)
Robert Voss (2 projects)
Leonid Voyta (3 projects)
Heike Wägele (1 project)
Peter Wagner (1 project)
Project 4204: Trilobites as living fossils of the Permian
Kathryn Wagner (3 projects)
Project 5330: A cladistic analysis of the horses of the tribe Equini
Niklas Wahlberg (1 project)
Beatriz Waisfeld (1 project)
Project 2789: Trinucleida Phylogeny
Thomas Waller (1 project)
Ramona Walls (1 project)
Project 2463: Floral Characters in Liliales - A Crowd Sourcing Project
Katherine Walton (17 projects)
Project 4304: Insights on the Dental Evolution of Walruses Based on New Fossil Specimens from California
Project 4307: A well-preserved new mid-paleocene penguin (Aves, Sphenisciformes) from the Waipara Greensand in New Zealand
Project 4308: Phylogeny of split‐footed lacewings (Neuroptera, Nymphidae), with descriptions of new Cretaceous fossil species from China
Project 4310: Uncovering hidden coral diversity: a new cryptic lobophylliid scleractinian from the Indian Ocean
Xiaoming Wang (3 projects)
Chun-Neng Wang (1 project)
Min Wang (2 projects)
Ji-Shen Wang (1 project)
Anne Warren (1 project)
Mel Warren (1 project)
Scott Weiner (1 project)
Project 5330: A cladistic analysis of the horses of the tribe Equini
Michael Weingardt (1 project)
Christiane Weirauch (2 projects)
Marcelo Weksler (6 projects)
Project 728: Tanyuromys
Ingmar Werneburg (1 project)
Sarah Werning (7 projects)
Elisbeth Wheeler (1 project)
Ward Wheeler (1 project)
Nathan Whelan (1 project)
Helen Whitaker (1 project)
David Whiteside (1 project)
John Whitlock (1 project)
Megan Whitney (8 projects)
Project 3543: Histological and developmental insights into the herbivorous dentition of tapinocephalid therapsids
Project 3606: Odontoma in a 255-Million-Year-Old Mammalian Forebear
Project 3838: Convergent dental adaptations in the serrations of hypercarnivorous synapsids and dinosaurs
Project 4097: Dicynodont Tusk Histology
John Wible (12 projects)
Eric Wilberg (3 projects)
Project 2210: What
Peter Wilf (1 project)
Suzanne Williams (1 project)
Thomas Williamson (3 projects)
Matthew Wills (3 projects)
Mark Wilson (1 project)
Laura Wilson (2 projects)
Jeffrey Wilson (1 project)
Greg Wilson Mantilla (1 project)
Project 5068: Indian Cretaceous eutriconodontan
Guillermo Windholz (1 project)
Benjamin Wipfler (2 projects)
Christian Wirkner (1 project)
Project 1020: Wirkner and Richter morphological matrix
Jo Wolfe (41 projects)
Project 175: Cylindroleberididae phylogeny
Project 456: Testing the phylogenetic position of Cambrian pancrustacean larval fossils by coding ontogenetic stages
Project 549: A congruent solution to arthropod phylogeny: phylogenomics, microRNAs and morphology support monophyletic Mandibulata
Project 618: The Burgess Shale anomalocaridid Hurdia and its significance for early euarthropod evolution
Project 623: The contribution of preoral chamber and foregut morphology to the phylogenetics of Scolopendromorpha (Chilopoda).
Project 624: Phylogenetic implications of gizzard morphology in scolopendromorph centipedes (Chilopoda)
Project 625: Including secondary structure, fossils and molecular dating in the centipede tree of life
Project 631: Anatomically modern Carboniferous harvestmen demonstrate early cladogenesis and stasis in Opiliones
Project 689: Pancrustacea Phylogeny and Divergence Times
Project 793: A plesiomorphic Carboniferous harvestman
Project 805: A revision of the Late Ordovician marrellomorph arthropod Furca bohemica from Czech Republic
Project 1023: Decapod phylogeny: addition of fossil evidence to a robust morphological cladistic data set
Project 1024: A comprehensive and integrative reconstruction of evolutionary history for Anomura (Crustacea: Decapoda)
Project 2130: Rapid diversification associated with a macroevolutionary pulse of developmental plasticity
Project 3533: Exceptional preservation of mid-Cretaceous marine arthropods and the evolution of novel forms via heterochrony
Project 4146: Ordovician opabiniid-like animals and the role of the proboscis in euarthropod head evolution
Derek Woller (1 project)
Hannah Wood (1 project)
Bernard Wood (1 project)
Emily Woodruff (1 project)
Cary Woodruff (1 project)
Holly Woodward (4 projects)
Katrine Worsaae (1 project)
Project 3226: Phylogeny and systematics of Aphroditiformia
Trevor Worthy (1 project)
David Wright (1 project)
Joana Xavier (1 project)
Chunlei Xiang (1 project)
Project 4145: Dracocephalum (Lamiaceae)
Liu Xingyue (1 project)
Ravi Yadav (1 project)
Project 5068: Indian Cretaceous eutriconodontan
Shuhei Yamamoto (1 project)
Hiroshi Yamasaki (1 project)
Project 2294: Videos of Nodarctus hallucis's type material
Susan Yan (2 projects)
Imanol Yáñez (1 project)
Adam Yates (1 project)
Project 4602: The last Baru (Crocodylia: Mekosuchinae)
Sharyn Yensko (1 project)
Project 5330: A cladistic analysis of the horses of the tribe Equini
Norine Yeung (1 project)
Hong-yu Yi (1 project)
Project 2170: The burrowing origin of modern snakes
Hai-Lu You (1 project)
Anna Mengjie Yu (1 project)
Project 2490: CyclotellaCS3 (from P910)
Haobo Robert Yuan (1 project)
Louis G. Zachos (3 projects)
Project 2202: Morphology of Gregory's diverticulum in sand dollars
Shawn Zack (10 projects)
Project 674: New Species of the Rare Early Eocene Creodont Galecyon and the Radiation of Early Hyaenodontidae
Project 3168: Tarsals of the miniscule insectivorous mammal Batodonoides from the Eocene of San Diego County, California
Project 3172: A skeleton of a Uintan machaeroidine 'creodont' and the phylogeny of carnivorous eutherian mammals
Hussam Zaher (1 project)
David Zanatta (5 projects)
Project 2283: Elimia livescens - Lake Michigan
Project 3457: Truncilla donaciformis and T. truncata shell morphology
Project 3683: DNA Barcoding and Geometric Morphometrics of Great Lakes Pigtoes (Fusconaia, Pleurobema)
Project 3918: Lampsiline morphometrics and barcoding
Lindsay Zanno (1 project)
Mikolaj Zapalski (1 project)
John Zardus (1 project)
Huaqiao Zhang (4 projects)
Weiting Zhang (2 projects)
Chi Zhang (1 project)
Mingzhen Zhang (1 project)
Yang Zhao (1 project)
Zhi-Yan Zhou (1 project)
Xuanyu Zhou (1 project)
Yuyan Zhu (1 project)
Alexander Ziegler (10 projects)
Project 2202: Morphology of Gregory's diverticulum in sand dollars
Project 2542: Form and function of the teleost lateral line revealed using three-dimensional imaging and computational fluid dynamics
Project 3107: Digital three-dimensional imaging techniques provide new analytical pathways for malacological research
Project 3268: Combined visualization of echinoderm hard and soft parts using contrast-enhanced micro-computed tomography
Project 3616: Schizasterid heart urchins host microorganisms in a digestive symbiosis of Mesozoic origin
Alexandra Zieritz (1 project)
Amelia Zietlow (1 project)
Nikolay Zverkov (2 projects)
Project 2788: Revision of Undorosaurus