Project 1144: B. D. Rankin, P. A. Holroyd. 2014. Aceroryctes dulcis, a new palaeoryctid (Mammalia, Eutheria) from the early Eocene of the Wasatch Formation of southwestern Wyoming, USA. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 51 (10):919-926.

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Original filename: 131849 DPS 141638 edit.jpg

Morphobank media number

Taxonomic name
Aceroryctes dulcis Rankin and Holroyd, 2014

Aceroryctes dulcis Rankin and Holroyd, 2014 (UCMP/UCMP:131849)

Specimen notes
holotype, from locality UCMP V71237

Side represented
left side

Media loaded by
Patricia Holroyd

Copyright holder
Dave Strauss

Copyright information
Permission to use media on MorphoBank granted by copyright holder

Media loaded on
August 22 2014 at 19:20:33

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