Project 3151: C. S. Mongle, D. S. Strait, F. E. Grine. 2019. Expanded character sampling underscores phylogenetic stability of Ardipithecus ramidus as a basal hominin. Journal of Human Evolution. 131:28-39.
This project has 2 bibliographic references.
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Mongle, C. S., Strait, D. S. and Grine, F. E. 2019. Expanded character sampling underscores phylogenetic stability of Ardipithecus ramidus as a basal hominin. Journal of Human Evolution. Vol. 131, pp. 28-39.
Suwa, G., Asfaw, B., Kono, R.T., Kubo, D., Lovejoy, C.O. and White, T.D. 2009. The Ardipithecus ramidus skull and its implications for hominid origins. Science. Vol. 326, p. 68e1–68e7. Science.