Project 3344: C. M. Peredo, N. D. Pyenson, C. D. Marshall, M. D. Uhen. 2018. Tooth Loss Precedes the Origin of Baleen in Whales. Current Biology. 28 (24):3992-4000.e2.
This project has 2 documents.

Please find here additional documents associated with this project. Occasionally MorphoBank receives matrices that are not formatted to parse to the database, these can also be found here, along with others and are presented 'as is' from the scientist.

2 Documents

Character list in DOCX format (Downloaded 5 times )
The characters and states are unmodified from Boessenecker 2015.
Data matrix in NEX format (Downloaded 6 times )
Character names not included. Combine with other document in this folder.