Project 445: E. Planas, C. Ribera. 2015. Description of six new species of Loxosceles (Araneae: Sicariidae) endemic to the Canary Islands and the utility of DNA barcoding for their fast and accurate identification. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 174 (1):47-73.
Specimen: Loxosceles bentejui (CRBA/LX:1711)
View: Carapace


We conducted an integrative taxonomic study of a radiation of Loxosceles spiders endemic to the Canary Islands combining molecular (mtDNA and nDNA) and morphological data. This led to the formal description of six new species: Loxosceles mahan sp. nov. endemic to Fuerteventura, Lanzarote, and adjacent islets; Loxosceles bentejui sp. nov. and Loxosceles tazarte sp. nov. both endemic to Gran Canaria; Loxosceles guayota sp. nov. and Loxosceles tibicena sp. nov. both endemic to Tenerife; and Loxosceles hupalupa sp. nov. endemic to La Gomera and El Hierro. These new species are included in the Loxosceles rufescens group, and are clearly distinguished from L. rufescens by a conspicuous dark V-mark posteriorly on the pars cephalica, the embolus length, and the shape of seminal receptacles. Given that a crucial step for the development of proper health management is the correct identification of the species involved in bite accidents, we additionally tested the efficacy of DNA barcoding as a fast and reliable tool for identifying the Loxosceles species found in the Canary Islands, including the human-introduced L. rufescens.

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Article DOI: 10.1111/zoj.12226

Project DOI: 10.7934/P445,
This project contains
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  • 1 Folio
  • 6 Taxa
  • 22 Specimens
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MorphoBank Project 445

    Authors' Institutions

    • Universitat de Barcelona (University of Barcelona)


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    Enric Planas
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    Seth Kaufman
    Carles Ribera
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