Project 4082: R. González‐Miguéns, C. Soler‐Zamora, F. Useros, S. Nogal‐Prata, C. Berney, A. Blanco‐Rotea, M. I. Carrasco‐Braganza, D. Salvador‐Velasco, A. Guillén‐Oterino, D. Tenorio‐Rodríguez, D. Velázquez, T. J. Heger, I. Sanmartín, E. Lara. 2022. Cyphoderia ampulla (Cyphoderiidae: Rhizaria), a tale of freshwater sailors: The causes and consequences of ecological transitions through the salinity barrier in a family of benthic protists. Molecular Ecology. 31 (9):2644-2663.

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