Project 912: G. Giribet, P. P. Sharma, L. R. Benavides, S. L. Boyer, R. M. Clouse, B. L. de Bivort, D. Dimitrov, G. Y. Kawauchi, J. Y. Murienne, P. J. Schwendinger. 2012. Evolutionary and biogeographical history of an ancient and global group of arachnids (Arachnida: Opiliones: Cyphophthalmi) with a new taxonomic arrangement. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 105 (1):92-130.

Morphobank media number

Taxonomic name
Huitaca ventralis Shear, 1979

Huitaca ventralis Shear, 1979 (MCZ:30323)


Media loaded by
Gonzalo Giribet

Copyright holder
Gonzalo Giribet

Copyright information
Permission to use media on MorphoBank granted by copyright holder

Media loaded on
May 18 2008 at 15:52:17

This media file was first entered in MorphoBank as M19648 in P199.

This media record has been viewed 268 times