Project 241: G. Gentile, H. Snell. 2009. Conolophus marthae sp.nov. (Squamata, Iguanidae), a new species of land iguana from the Galápagos archipelago. Zootaxa. 2201:1-10.

Morphobank media number

Taxonomic name
Conolophus marthae Gentile G. and Snell H.L., 2009

Conolophus marthae Gentile G. and Snell H.L., 2009 (MCZR/R :450)

Specimen notes

Media loaded by
Gabriele Gentile

Copyright holder
Gabriele Gentile

Copyright information
Permission to use media on MorphoBank granted by copyright holder

Media loaded on
May 29 2009 at 10:26:19

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