Project 858: S. Kealy, R. Beck. 2017. Total evidence phylogeny and evolutionary timescale for Australian faunivorous marsupials (Dasyuromorphia). BMC Evolutionary Biology. 17 (1):null.

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Original filename: Didel axis.jpg

Morphobank media number

Taxonomic name
Dasyurus maculatus

Dasyurus maculatus (unvouchered)

Specimen notes
Automatically created while pulling taxon media from API


Side represented
left side

Media loaded by
Shimona Kealy

Bibliographic Reference
Kealy, S. and Beck, R. 2017. Total evidence phylogeny and evolutionary timescale for Australian faunivorous marsupials (Dasyuromorphia). BMC Evolutionary Biology. Vol. 17(1), p. null.

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May 14 2014 at 21:09:41

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