Project 2517: D. A. Woller, H. Song. 2017. Investigating the Functional Morphology of Genitalia During Copulation in the Grasshopper Melanoplus rotundipennis (Scudder, 1878) via Correlative Microscopy. Journal of Morphology. 278 (3):334-359.

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Original filename: Figure 4.tif

Morphobank media number

Taxonomic name
Melanoplus rotundipennis (Scudder, 1878)

Melanoplus rotundipennis (Scudder, 1878) (unvouchered)


Media loaded by
Derek Woller

Copyright holder
Derek Woller

Copyright information
Person loading media owns copyright and grants permission for use of media on MorphoBank

Media notes
Fig. 4: Left lateral, cut-away views of 3D reconstructions (in copula positions) of male and female components of genitalia and other parts of the reproductive system of Melanoplus rotundipennis (in all, posterior to right): A. male external and internal; B. female external and internal (muscle tissue of spermathecal complex removed); C. close-up view of combined male and female (muscle tissue of spermathecal complex removed).

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November 17 2016 at 0:10

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