Project 4541: Z. T. Kulik. 2023. Rare osteohistological evidence of skeletal maturity in the early diverging traversodontid Scalenodon angustifrons from the Middle Triassic Manda Beds of Tanzania. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 44 (5):10.

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Original filename: NMT RB 864.C comp 5x copy.tif

Morphobank media number

Taxonomic name
Scalenodon angustifrons

Scalenodon angustifrons (NMT/RB:864)

mid-diaphysis transverse thin-section of femur

Media loaded by
Zoe Kulik

Web source description
Composite photomicrograph of the femoral histology of a skeletally mature cf. Scalenodon angustifrons (NMT RB864) under plane polarized light. Scale bar equals 500 micrometers. Thin section was made distal to the figured photomicrographs.

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January 25 2023 at 19:43:51

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