Morphobank media number
Taxonomic name
† Ripidiini Gen. sp.
† Ripidiini Gen. sp. (Phyletisches Museum/Palaeontology:PMJ Pa 6100-R2)
Specimen notes
Ripidiini larva
Overview and details
Media loaded by
Michael Weingardt
Web source description
Figure 3. Detailed views of taxonomically important characters of Ripidiini larvae [R2–R5]. A General overview of larva R2; B Details of head of larva R2; C General overview of larvae R3–4; D Details of head of larva R4; E Details of legs of larva R4; F General overview of compsocid. ad = adhesive devices, an = antennae, mp = maxillary palps. Arrows in E indicate tibiotarsal setae. Scale bar for A: 100 µm. Scale bar for B: 20 µm. Scale bar for C: 200 µm. Scale bar for D: 10 µm. Scale bar for E: 50 µm. Scale bar for F: 1 mm.
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