Project 112: P. Cárdenas, J. Xavier, O. S. Tendal, C. Schander, H. T. Rapp. 2007. Redescription and resurrection of Pachymatisma normani (Demospongiae: Geodiidae), with remarks on the genus Pachymatisma. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 87 (6):1511-1525.

Morphobank media number

Taxonomic name
Pachymatisma johnstonia (Bowerbank, in Johnston, 1842)

Pachymatisma johnstonia (Bowerbank, in Johnston, 1842) (UiB/PC170)

Specimen notes
Field collection number:B.05.09.99

Media loaded by
Paco Cardenas

Media notes
tag in the picture is 6.5 cm x 3 cm; preserved in ethanol

Media loaded on
April 18 2007 at 5:40:10

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