Project 105: C. A. Tauber, G. S. Albuquerque, M. J. Tauber. 2008. Gonzaga nigriceps (McLachlan) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae): Descriptions of larvae and adults, biological notes, and generic affiliation. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. 110 (2):417-438.

Morphobank media number

Taxonomic name
Gonzaga nigriceps (McLachlan, 1867)

Gonzaga nigriceps (McLachlan, 1867) (Tauber Research Collection: Brazil RJ, Terras Frias, Male #1)

Specimen notes
Brazil, RJ, Sta. M. Madelana, Terras Frias, 28-X-2003 G. S. Albuquerque, M. J. Tauber, C. A. Tauber

Gonarcus, frontal

Media loaded by
Catherine A. Tauber

Copyright holder
Catherine A. Tauber

Copyright information
Permission to use media on MorphoBank granted by copyright holder

Media notes
x7. Note placement of gonosetae

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May 17 2007 at 18:06:25

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