Project 4111: J. Rasplus, L. J. Rodriguez, L. Sauné, Y. Peng, A. Bain, F. Kjellberg, R. D. Harrison, R. A. Pereira, R. Ubaidillah, C. Tollon‐Cordet, M. Gautier, J. Rossi, A. Cruaud. 2021. Exploring systematic biases, rooting methods and morphological evidence to unravel the evolutionary history of the genus Ficus (Moraceae). Cladistics. 37 (4):402-422.

Specimen reference source

Taxonomic name
Ficus carica

Specimen created by
MorphoBank Curator

Specimen created on
October 28 2021 at 16:11:47

This specimen record has been viewed 254 times