Project 701: D. B. Provete, L. Franco-Belussi, L. R. S. Santos, R. Zieri, R. M. Moresco, I. A. Martins, S. C. Almeida, C. Oliveira. 2012. Phylogenetic signal and variation of visceral pigmentation in eight anuran families. Zoologica Scripta. 41.

Specimen reference source

Taxonomic name
Ischnocnema guentheri (Steindachner,, 1864

Institution code for specimens repository

Collection code for specimens repository
Lab. Comp. Anat.

Repository catalog number

Specimen created by
Diogo Provete

Specimen created on
April 23 2012 at 12:03:03

This specimen record has been viewed 640 times