Project 687: F. G. Marx, R. E. Fordyce. 2015. Baleen boom and bust – a synthesis of mysticete phylogeny, diversity and disparity. Royal Society Open Science. 2 (4):140434.

Specimen reference source

Taxonomic name
† Eubalaena belgica

Institution code for specimens repository

Repository catalog number

Bibliographic Reference
Plisnier-Ladame, F. and Quinet, G.E. 1969. Balaena belgica Abel 1938, cétacé du Merxemien d'Anvers. Bulletin de l'Institut Royal du Science Naturelles de Belgique. Vol. 45, pp. 1-6.

Specimen created by
Felix Marx

Specimen created on
June 30 2012 at 11:27:51

This specimen record has been viewed 633 times