Project 2326: K. Curry Rogers, M. Whitney, M. DEmic, B. Bagley. 2016. Precocity in a tiny titanosaur from the Cretaceous of Madagascar. Science. 352 (6284):450-453.
This project has 31 media views.
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Left fibula 03002
Left Humerus (95245) A, proximal view, anterior toward top; dpc=deltopectoral crest; B, anterior view; C, medial view; D, posterior view, plb=posterolateral bulge, ulc=ulnar condyle; E, lateral view; F, distal view, anterior to top.
Left Humerus 95245
Left Pubis (95222-76) A, proximal view; B, lateral view; C, medial view. of=obturator foramen.
Left Tibia (03397) A, proximal view, B, anterior view; C, posterior view; D, lateral view; E, medial view; F, distal view.
Left Tibia 03397
Left Tibia illustrating hatching line. Image on left is unaltered. Image on right highlights area of smaller diameter primary osteons. Scale equals 300 microns.
Left Tibia illustrating transition between embryonic and post-natal bone tissue. Scale bar equals 300 microns.
Left Tibia, sharpey's fibers within posterolatera cortex. Scale equals 300 microns.