Project 463: A. K. Huttenlocker, J. D. Pardo, B. J. Small, J. S. Anderson. 2013. Cranial morphology of recumbirostrans (Lepospondyli) from the Permian of Kansas and Nebraska, and early morphological evolution inferred by micro-computed tomography. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 33 (3):540-552.
This project has 61 taxa.
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Showing all 61 taxonomic names

Genus, Species, Subspecies, Scientific name author, Scientific name year

* indicates that a taxon has NOT matched to the NCBI hierarchy.
# indicates that a taxon has been matched to a PBDB entry.

Acanthostega *
Acheloma *
Adelogyrinus *
Albanerpetontidae *
Amphibamus *
Asaphestera *
Balanerpeton *
Batrachiderpeton *
Batropetes *
Brachydectes *
Branchiosauridae *
Cardiocephalus peabodyi *
Cardiocephalus sternbergi *
Carrolla *
Dendrerpeton *
Diceratosaurus *
Diplocaulus magnicornis *
Diploceraspis *
Doleserpeton *
Ecolsonia *
Eocaecilia *
Eoscopus *
Eryops *
Euryodus dalyae *
Euryodus primus *
Gerobatrachus *
Greererpeton *
Hapsidoparion *
Huskerpeton englehorni Huttenlocker et al., 2013 *
Huskerpeton englehorni *
Keraterpeton galvani *
Limnoscelis *
Micraroter *
Microbrachis *
Micromelerpetontidae *
Nannaroter *
Oestocephalus *
Pantylus *
Pariotichus *
Pelodosotis *
Phlegethontia *
Platyrhinops *
Proterogyrinus *
Proxilodon bonneri *
Ptyonius *
Rhynchonkos *
Salamanders *
Sauropleura scalaris *
Saxonerpeton *
Scincosaurus *
Seymouria baylorensis *
Stegotretus *
Tambachia *
Tambaroter *
Tersomius *
Triadobatrachus *
Tuditanus *
Urocordylus *
Utaherpeton *