Project 4224: Ana Andruchow-Colombo, Gabriella Rossetto-Harris, Tim J. Brodribb, MarĂ­a A. Gandolfo, Peter Wilf. 2023. A new species of Acmopyle (Podocarpaceae) with preserved accessory transfusion tissue, from the Eocene of Argentinean Patagonia. American Journal of Botany. epub ahead of print:e16221.
This project has 92 taxa.
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Showing 19 taxonomic names where genus starts with 'P'.

* indicates that a taxon has NOT matched to the NCBI hierarchy.
# indicates that a taxon has been matched to a PBDB entry.

Parasitaxus usta 
Pherosphaera fitzgeraldii 
Pherosphaera hookeriana 
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius #
Phyllocladus hypophyllus #
Phyllocladus toatoa #
Phyllocladus trichomanoides #
Podocarpus archboldii #
Podocarpus dispermus #
Podocarpus gnidioides #
Podocarpus insularis #
Podocarpus nubigenus #
Podocarpus parlatorei #
Podocarpus salignus #
Prumnopitys amara #
Prumnopitys andina #
Prumnopitys ferruginoides #
Prumnopitys montana #
Prumnopitys taxifolia #