Project 4307: G. Mayr, V. L. De Pietri, L. Love, A. A. Mannering, R. P. Scofield. 2017. A well-preserved new mid-paleocene penguin (Aves, Sphenisciformes) from the Waipara Greensand in New Zealand. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 37 (6):e1398169.
This project has 72 taxa.
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Showing 23 taxonomic names where genus starts with 'P'.

* indicates that a taxon has NOT matched to the NCBI hierarchy.
# indicates that a taxon has been matched to a PBDB entry.

Pachydyptes ponderosus *#
Pachyptila desolata *#
Palaeeudyptes antarcticus *#
Palaeeudyptes gunnari *#
Palaeeudyptes klekowskii *#
Palaeospheniscus bergi *#
Palaeospheniscus biloculata *#
Palaeospheniscus patagonicus *#
Palaeudyptes "burnside" *
Paraptenodytes antarcticus *#
Pelecanoides urinatrix *#
Perudyptes devriesi *#
Phoebastria immutabilis *#
Phoebetria palpebrata *#
Platydyptes marplesi *#
Platydyptes novaezealandiae *#
Procellaria cinerea *#
Pterodroma brevirostris *#
Puffinus gravis *#
Pygoscelis adeliae *#
Pygoscelis antarctica *#
Pygoscelis grandis *#
Pygoscelis papua *#