Project 4344: X. Lu, X. Ni, O. Maridet. 2021. A new glirid-like cricetid from the lower Oligocene of Southern China. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 41 (1):null.
This project has 80 taxa.
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Showing 22 taxonomic names where genus starts with 'P'.

* indicates that a taxon has NOT matched to the NCBI hierarchy.
# indicates that a taxon has been matched to a PBDB entry.

Pacifastacus chenoderma 
Pacifastacus gambelli 
Palaeastacus argoviensis 
Palaeopalaemon newberyii 
Palasiomys conulus *#
Pappocricetodon antiquus *#
Pappocricetodon rencunensis *#
Pappocricetodon schaubi *#
Paracricetodon dehmi *#
Paracricetodon spectabilis *#
Paracricetops virgatoincisus *#
Paranephrops fordycei 
Paranephrops planifrons 
Parastacoides tasmanicus 
Parastacus pugnax 
Primisminthus yuenus *#
Procambarus blandingii 
Procambarus primeavus 
Protastacus politus 
Pseudastacus pustulosis 
Pseudocricetodon montalbanensis *#
Pseudocricetodon thaleri *#