Project 5123: T. Saucede, D. Neraudeau. 2006. An â 'Elvisâ' echinoid, Nucleopygus (Jolyclypus) jolyi, from the Cenomanian of France: phylogenetic analysis, sexual dimorphism and neotype designation. Cretaceous Research. 27 (4):542-554.
This project has 51 taxa.
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Showing 13 taxonomic names where genus starts with 'P'.

* indicates that a taxon has NOT matched to the NCBI hierarchy.
# indicates that a taxon has been matched to a PBDB entry.

Parapygus #
Petalobrissus #
Phyllobrissus #
Plagiochasma #
Plesiolampas #
Porterpygus #
Pseudopygurus #
Pygaulus #
Pygidiolampas #
Pygopistes #
Pygorhynchus #
Pygurostoma #
Pygurus (pygurus) #