Project 4259: V. Gallo, H. C. Lins De Paiva, R. Petra, P. Brito. 2021. Lophionotus parnaibensis, sp. nov. (Semionotiformes, Semionotidae) in the Upper Jurassic of the ParnaĆ­ba Basin, northeastern Brazil. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 41 (4):null.
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Gallo, V., De Paiva, H. C. Lins, Petra, R. and Brito, P. 2021. Lophionotus parnaibensis, sp. nov. (Semionotiformes, Semionotidae) in the Upper Jurassic of the ParnaĆ­ba Basin, northeastern Brazil. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Vol. 41(4), p. null.