Project 711: M. E. Pérez. 2010. A new rodent (Cavioidea, Hystricognathi) from the middle Miocene of Patagonia, mandibular homologies, and the origin of the crown group Cavioidea sensu stricto. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 30 (6):1848-1859.
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Pérez, M. E. 2010. A New Rodent (Cavioidea, Hystricognathi) from the Middle Miocene of Patagonia, Mandibular Homologies, and the Origin of the Crown Group Cavioidea Sensu Stricto. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Vol. 30(6), pp. 1848-1859.
Pérez, M. E. 2010. A new rodent (Cavioidea, Hystricognathi) from the middle Miocene of Patagonia, mandibular homologies, and the origin of the crown group Cavioidea sensu stricto. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Vol. 30(6), pp. 1848-1859.