Morphobank media number
Taxonomic name
† Ampelosaurus atacis Le Loeuff, 1995
† Ampelosaurus atacis Le Loeuff, 1995 (LCE:Cruzy I)
Specimen notes
Humerus, length > 600 mm. Locality: Cruzy
Media loaded by
Jessica Mitchell
Copyright holder
Jessica Mitchell
Copyright information
Person loading media owns copyright and grants permission for use of media on MorphoBank
Bibliographic Reference
KLEIN, NICOLE, SANDER, P. M., STEIN, KOEN, LE LOEUFF, JEAN, CARBALLIDO, JOSE L., BUFFETAUT, ERIC and FARKE, ANDREW A. 2012. Modified Laminar Bone in Ampelosaurus atacis and Other Titanosaurs (Sauropoda): Implications for Life History and Physiology. PLoS ONE. Vol. 7(5), p. e36907.
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