Morphobank media number
Taxonomic name
Suncus etruscus (Savi, 1822)
Suncus etruscus (Savi, 1822) (ZIN/Theriology:102775)
Specimen notes
Suncus etruscus (Crocidurinae);
Recent fauna;
Catalogue number: ZIN 102775;
Field number: AVA-13-006;
Incoming number: 217-2013;
Sex: male;
Age: adultus (2);
Locality: Vietnam, Ba Vi District, 50km west of Hanoi, Ba Vi National Park, near Tanh Linh village, h = 370 a.s.l. [21.0971111°, 105.4011944°];
Collector: Alexei Abramov;
Date: 12.05.2013.
2D surface of upper teeth
Media loaded by
Leonid Voyta
Media notes
Image preparation: Avizo 2019.1 (FEI SAS);
Surface properties:
Minimum edge length: 0.4;
Algorithm Mode: repeatable;
Border: On;
Settings: Adjust Coords;
Smoothing: Constrained Smoothing = 5;
Smooth material: None.
S7: Plate 6: Suncus etruscus (ZIN 102775, male, ad2) upper dentition (a) and pulp endocast (b) three-dimension models in lateral, occlusal and medial views. Scale bars are 1 mm. See Plate 1.
Media loaded on
December 7 2020 at 7:14:30
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