Project 3885: L. L. Voyta, A. V. Abramov, L. A. Lavrenchenko, V. Nicolas, E. A. Petrova, L. Y. Kryuchkova. 2021. Dental polymorphisms in Crocidura (Soricomorpha: Soricidae) and evolutionary diversification of crocidurine shrew dentition. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. Early View:null.

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Original filename: 015_ua3_posterocrista_lingual_basin.jpg

Morphobank media number

Taxonomic name
Crocidura jouvenetae Heim de Balsac, 1958

Crocidura jouvenetae Heim de Balsac, 1958 (MNHN-ZM:2012-1087)

Specimen notes
Crocidura jouvenetae (Crocidurinae); Recent fauna; Catalogue number: MNHN-ZM 2012-1087; Field number: ?; Incoming number: ?; Sex: ?; Age: subadultus; Locality: Guinea, Gbie; Collector: C. Denys et al.; Date: 2008-2009.


Media loaded by
Leonid Voyta

Media notes
Character 15. A3 (crown): posterocrista direction and lingual basin shape: posterocrista crosses a crown diagonally, lingual basin rounded (0); posterocrista crosses a crown longitudinally, lingual basin elongated (1); inapplicable (-). Remarks: Unordered. This transformation series is similar to [characters 7 and 12]. Outgroup Sorex species display a diagonal directed posterocrista and rounded lingual (posterolingual) basin (Character 015: A). Outgroup Neomys species and all ingroup species bear a longitudinal directed posterocrista and elongated narrow lingual basin (Character 015: B). This character is inapplicable for M. okuensis and S. johnstoni (Character 015: C) due to the posterolingual cusplet presence [character 17, st. 1]; and inapplicable to D. pulchellum due to two-toothed dental formula [character 4, st. 3]. For details see S8.

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December 26 2020 at 4:43:43

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