Morphobank media number
Taxonomic name
Suncus megalura Jentink, 1888
Suncus megalura Jentink, 1888 (MNHN-ZM:1992-386)
Specimen notes
Suncus megalura (Crocidurinae);
Recent fauna;
Catalogue number: MNHN-ZM 1992-386;
Field number: ?;
Incoming number: ?;
Sex: ?;
Age: subadultus;
Locality: Guinea [Yale, Mt.? Nimba];
Collector: M. Lamotte;
Date: November, 1956.
Media loaded by
Leonid Voyta
Media notes
Character 27. P4 (crown): complex protocone shape: cone-like (0); V-shaped (1); U-shaped (2); inapplicable (-).
Remarks: Unordered. Outgroup Sorex species and two ingroup spepcies, C. jouvenetae, C. obscurior display cone-like protocone, which elevated above the preprotoctista level; the postprotocrista undeveloped (Character 027: A). Outgroup Neomys species and six ingroup species, M. okuensis, S. etruscus, C. olivieri, C. yaldeni, C. lasiura, C. phanluongi bear V-shaped protocone (Character 027: B). Five ingroup species, S. johnstoni, C. serezkyensis, C. zarudnyi, C. sapaensis, C. zaitsevi display U-shaped protocone, which composed ridge-like pre- and posprotocrista and the short metaloph; the metaloph slightly curved inward from the postprotocrista and so forms U-shaped ridge. The U-shaped protocone mostly expressed in S. johnstoni (Character 027: C). This character is inapplicable for S. megalura, S. murinus, C. leucodon, D. pulchellum due to weakly developed protocone [character 26, st. 0]. For details see S8.
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December 26 2020 at 5:00:17
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