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4 Document Folders
cpDNA dataset and phylogenetic trees (MP, BI, ML)
cpDNA BI tree
cpDNA dataset
cpDNA ML tree
cpDNA MP tree
nrDNA dataset (ITS, ETS) and phylogenetic trees (MP, BI, ML)
nrDNA BI tree
nrDNA dataset
nrDNA ML tree
nrDNA MP tree
PPR dataset and phylogenetic trees (MP, BI, ML)
PPR BI tree
PPR dataset
PPR ML tree
PPR MP tree
Supplementary figures and tables
Figure S1
Bayesian 50% majority-rule consensus tree of Dracocephalum s.l. based on combined nrDNA (ITS & ETS) data set. BIPP ≥ 0.50 and MPBS and MLBS ≥ 50% are displayed above the branches (“-” indicates a support value < 50% BS or 0.50 PP). Scale bar denotes the expected number of substitutions per site in Bayesian analysis. Multiple accessions of the same species are numbered according to Table S1
Figure S2
Bayesian 50% majority-rule consensus tree of Dracocephalum s.l. based on combined cpDNA (rpl32-trnL, trnL-trnF, ycf1, and ycf1-rps15) data set. S BIPP ≥ 0.50 and MPBS and MLBS ≥ 50% are displayed above the branches (“-” indicates a support value < 50% BS or 0.50 PP). Scale bar denotes the expected number of substitutions per site in Bayesian analysis. Multiple accessions of the same species are numbered according to Table S1.
Figure S3
Chronogram of Dracocephalum s.l. as inferred from BEAST analysis of the combined nrDNA data set. Blue bars represent 95% HPD of node age.
Figure S4
Chronogram of Dracocephalum s.l. as inferred from BEAST analysis of the combined cpDNA data set. Blue bars represent 95% HPD of node age.
Figure S5
Ancestral area reconstruction of Dracocephalum s.l. based on the chronogram of the combined PPR data set and extant distributions using S-DIVA with maximum areas constrained as two in RASP. Colors of circle in the tips and letters before species names represent the distribution of each species. The relative proportions of colors in the circle of each node represent the probabilities of the inferred alternative ancestral areas of nodes and the most likely ancestral area of each node is also indicated by letter(s) within the circle. White color in the circle indicates the sum of probabilities of all alternative ancestral areas with probability < 15%. The time scale on the bottom axis of the tree is in million years.
Table S1
Sequence information for all samples used in this study. A “/” indicates missing data, and an “*” indicates a sequence downloaded from GenBank. Herbarium acronyms are listed in bracts after vouchers.
Table S2
Nutlet morphology of Dracocephalum s.l. species sampled in present study. An “*” indicates the species for which the nutlet morphology is studied for the first time. Herbarium acronyms are listed in bracts after vouchers.
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