Project 4601: A. A. Ruebenstahl, M. D. Klein, H. Yi, X. Xu, J. M. Clark. 2022. Anatomy and relationships of the early diverging Crocodylomorphs Junggarsuchus sloani and Dibothrosuchus elaphros. The Anatomical Record. 305 (10):2463-2556.
This project has 1 document.

Please find here additional documents associated with this project. Occasionally MorphoBank receives matrices that are not formatted to parse to the database, these can also be found here, along with others and are presented 'as is' from the scientist.

1 Document

Matrix TNT format (Downloaded 2 times )
This matrix contains characters and states but when it was created the states were entered into the form field of the character thus the states cannot be read by the parser.