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9 Documents
Doc1: Phylogeny dataset (Downloaded 4 times

12S and 16S DNA concatenated sequences of 115 Mabuya sensu lato specimens and the outgroup Egernia whitii used for inference of the phylogeny in RAxML and MrBayes. Sequences were aligned with MAFFT v.6 online and default settings.
Doc2a: 12S RRT dataset (Downloaded 2 times

12S dataset submitted to a relative rate test in RRT in order to check if there were statistically significant differences in the substitution rates between the two lineages compared, Chalcides and Mabuya sensu lato.
Doc2b: 16S RRT dataset
16S dataset submitted to a relative rate test in RRT in order to check if there were statistically significant differences in the substitution rates between the two lineages compared, Chalcides and Mabuya sensu lato.
Doc3a: 12S Chalcides BEAST dataset
12S dataset for the estimation of the substitution rate in Chalcides, including 33 Chalcides and two Eumeces specimens as outgroup.
Doc3b: 16S Chalcides BEAST dataset
16S dataset for the estimation of the substitution rate in Chalcides, including 33 Chalcides and two Eumeces specimens as outgroup.
Doc3c: Cytb Chalcides BEAST dataset
Cytb dataset for the estimation of the substitution rate in Chalcides, including 33 Chalcides and two Eumeces specimens as outgroup.
Doc4a: BI tree (Downloaded 1 time

BI tree of the Mabuya sense lato phylogeny inferred for 12S+16S concatenated gene fragments, as obtained by MrBayes under the GTR+I+G model. Specimens can be identified by their codes listed in Table 1.
Doc4a: ML tree (Downloaded 1 time

ML tree of the Mabuya sense lato phylogeny inferred for 12S+16S concatenated gene fragments, as obtained by RAxML under the GTR+I+G model. Specimens can be identified by their codes listed in Table 1.
Doc5: BEAST ultrametric tree (Downloaded 1 time

Ultrametric tree for the estimation of divergence times in Mabuya sensu lato. The rates of molecular evolution of the 12S and 16S gene fragments calculated in Chalcides were applied.