Project 2044: Fordyce, R.E., Marx, F.G. 2018. Gigantism precedes filter feeding in baleen whale evolution. Current Biology. 28:1670-1676.e2.
Specimen: † Llanocetus denticrenatus (USNM:183022)
View: anterolateral


Baleen whales (Mysticeti) are the largest animals on Earth, thanks to their ability to filter feed huge volumes of small prey from seawater. Mysticetes appeared during the Late Eocene, but evidence of their early evolution remains both sparse and controversial, with several models competing to explain the origin of baleen-based bulk feeding. Here, we describe a virtually complete skull of Llanocetus denticrenatus, the second-oldest (ca 34 Ma) mysticete known. The new material represents the same individual as the type and only specimen, a fragmentary mandible. Phylogenetic analysis groups Llanocetus with the oldest mysticete, Mystacodon selenensis, into the basal family Llanocetidae. Llanocetus is gigantic (body length ca 8 m) compared to other early mysticetes. The broad rostrum has sharp, widely-spaced teeth with marked dental abrasion and attrition suggesting biting and occlusal shearing. As in extant mysticetes, the palate bears many sulci, commonly interpreted as osteological correlates of baleen. Unexpectedly, these sulci converge on the upper alveoli, suggesting a peri-dental blood supply to well-developed gums, rather than to inter-alveolar racks of baleen. We interpret Llanocetus as a raptorial or suction feeder, revealing that whales evolved gigantism well before the emergence of filter feeding. Rather than driving the origin of mysticetes, baleen and filtering likely only arose following an initial phase of suction-assisted raptorial feeding. This scenario strikingly differs from that proposed for odontocetes, whose defining adaptation ? echolocation ? was present even in their earliest representatives.

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Article DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2018.04.027

Project DOI: 10.7934/P2044,
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  • 1 Matrix
  • 3 Documents
  • 106 Taxa
  • 294 Specimens
  • 275 Characters
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MorphoBank Project 2044

    Authors' Institutions

    • Museum Victoria, Melbourne

    • National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution

    • Monash University

    • University of Otago

    • Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences

    • Smithsonian Institution


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    Felix Marx
    Project Administrator
    (16140, 11841, 1232)
    Seth Kaufman
    (0, 0, 0)

    Taxonomic Overview for Matrix 'M3690' (106 Taxa)

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    no cell
    "-" cellscell images labels on
    cell images
    [1] † Zygorhiza kochii
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [2] † Albertocetus meffordorum
    Taxon name last Modified on 12/04/17
    [3] † Archaeodelphis patrius
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/16/15
    [4] † Olympicetus avitus
    Taxon name last Modified on 11/07/17
    [5] † Waipatia maerewhenua
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [6] Physeter macrocephalus
    Taxon name last Modified on 12/15/17
    [7] † Aetiocetus cotylalveus
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/16/15
    [8] † Aetiocetus polydentatus
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/16/15
    [9] † Aetiocetus weltoni
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/16/15
    [10] † Aglaocetus moreni
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/16/15
    [11] † Aglaocetus patulus
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/16/15
    [12] † Archaebalaenoptera castriarquati
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/16/15
    [13] † Aulocetus latus
    Taxon name last Modified on 12/15/17
    [14] † Balaena montalionis
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/16/15
    [15] Balaena mysticetus
    Taxon name last Modified on 12/05/13
    [16] † Balaena ricei
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/16/15
    [17] † Balaenella brachyrhynus
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/16/15
    [18] Balaenoptera acutorostrata
    Taxon name last Modified on 12/05/13
    [19] † Balaenoptera bertae
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/16/15
    [20] Balaenoptera bonaerensis
    Taxon name last Modified on 12/05/13
    [21] Balaenoptera borealis
    Taxon name last Modified on 12/05/13
    [22] Balaenoptera musculus
    Taxon name last Modified on 12/05/13
    [23] Balaenoptera omurai
    Taxon name last Modified on 12/05/13
    [24] Balaenoptera physalus
    Taxon name last Modified on 12/05/13
    [25] † Balaenoptera portisi
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/16/15
    [26] † Balaenoptera ryani
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [27] † Balaenoptera siberi
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [28] † Balaenula astensis
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [29] † Balaenula sp.
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [30] † Brandtocetus chongulek
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [31] Caperea marginata
    Taxon name last Modified on 12/05/13
    [32] † Cephalotropis coronatus
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [33] † Cetotherium megalophysum
    Taxon name last Modified on 12/15/17
    [34] † Cetotherium rathkii
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [35] † Cetotherium riabinini
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [36] † Chonecetus sookensis
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [37] † Coronodon havensteini
    Taxon name last Modified on 08/25/17
    [38] † Diorocetus chichibuensis
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [39] † Diorocetus hiatus
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [40] † Diorocetus shobarensis
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [41] † Diunatans luctoretemergo
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [42] † Eomysticetus whitmorei
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [43] † Eschrichtioides gastaldii
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [44] Eschrichtius robustus
    Taxon name last Modified on 12/05/13
    [45] † Eubalaena ianitrix
    Taxon name last Modified on 11/07/17
    [46] † Eubalaena shinshuensis
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [47] Eubalaena spp.
    Taxon name last Modified on 12/05/13
    [48] † Fragilicetus velponi
    Taxon name last Modified on 11/02/16
    [49] † Fucaia buelli
    Taxon name last Modified on 08/03/15
    [50] † Fucaia goedertorum
    Taxon name last Modified on 12/16/15
    [51] † Gricetoides aurorae
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [52] † Herentalia nigra
    Taxon name last Modified on 02/08/16
    [53] † Herpetocetus bramblei
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [54] † Herpetocetus morrowi
    Taxon name last Modified on 02/17/16
    [55] † Herpetocetus sp.
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [56] † Herpetocetus transatlanticus
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [57] † Horopeta umarere
    Taxon name last Modified on 03/29/16
    [58] † Incakujira anillodefuego
    Taxon name last Modified on 10/02/16
    [59] † Isanacetus laticephalus
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [60] † Janjucetus hunderi
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [61] † Joumocetus shimizui
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [62] † Kurdalagonus mchedlidzei
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [63] † Llanocetus denticrenatus
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [64] † Mammalodon colliveri
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [65] † Mammalodon hakataramea
    Taxon name last Modified on 09/11/15
    [66] † Matapanui waihao
    Taxon name last Modified on 08/25/17
    [67] † Mauicetus parki
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [68] † Megaptera hubachi
    Taxon name last Modified on 12/15/17
    [69] † Megaptera miocaena
    Taxon name last Modified on 12/15/17
    [70] Megaptera novaeangliae
    Taxon name last Modified on 12/05/13
    [71] † Metopocetus durinasus
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [72] † Metopocetus hunteri
    Taxon name last Modified on 03/29/16
    [73] † Metopocetus vandelli
    Taxon name last Modified on 12/15/17
    [74] † Micromysticetus rothauseni
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [75] † Miocaperea pulchra
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [76] † Morawanocetus yabukii
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [77] † Morenocetus parvus
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [78] † Mystacodon selenensis
    Taxon name last Modified on 08/25/17
    [79] † Nannocetus eremus
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [80] † NMNS PV19540
    Taxon name last Modified on 12/29/16
    [81] † NMNZ MM001630
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [82] † OCPC 1178
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [83] † OU 22224
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [84] † OU 22705
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [85] † OU GS10897
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [86] † Parabalaenoptera baulinensis
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [87] † Parietobalaena campiniana
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [88] † Parietobalaena palmeri
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [89] † Parietobalaena sp.
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [90] † Parietobalaena yamaokai
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [91] † Pelocetus calvertensis
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [92] † Peripolocetus vexillifer
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [93] † Pinocetus polonicus
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [94] † Piscobalaena nana
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [95] † Plesiobalaenoptera quarantellii
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [96] † Thinocetus arthritus
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [97] † Tiphyocetus temblorensis
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [98] † Titanocetus sammarinensis
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [99] † Tiucetus rosae
    Taxon name last Modified on 09/15/17
    [100] † Tohoraata raekohao
    Taxon name last Modified on 03/31/16
    [101] † Tokarahia kauaeroa
    Taxon name last Modified on 03/31/16
    [102] † Uranocetus gramensis
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [103] † Waharoa ruwhenua
    Taxon name last Modified on 11/07/16
    [104] † Whakakai waipata
    Taxon name last Modified on 01/26/17
    [105] † Yamatocetus canaliculatus
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15
    [106] † ZMT 67
    Taxon name last Modified on 06/17/15

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M341104 (1 view); M341114 (1 view); M341139 (1 view); M341157 (1 view); M341167 (1 view); M341100 (1 view); M341128 (1 view); M341164 (1 view); M341134 (1 view); M341117 (1 view); M341152 (1 view); M341176 (1 view); M341168 (1 view); M341126 (1 view); M341090 (1 view); M341089 (1 view); M341166 (1 view); M341098 (1 view); M341182 (1 view); M341174 (1 view); M341119 (1 view); M341109 (1 view); M341108 (1 view); M341171 (1 view); M341091 (1 view); M341106 (1 view); M341160 (1 view); M341156 (1 view); M341192 (1 view); M341276 (1 view); M341214 (1 view); M341270 (1 view); M341248 (1 view); M341245 (1 view); M341219 (1 view); M341121 (1 view); M341155 (1 view); M341124 (1 view); M341230 (1 view); M341137 (1 view); M341269 (1 view); M341097 (1 view); M341181 (1 view); M341246 (1 view); M341228 (1 view); M341249 (1 view); M341203 (1 view); M341208 (1 view); M341277 (1 view); M341278 (1 view); M341279 (1 view); M341261 (1 view); M341284 (1 view); M341195 (1 view); M341217 (1 view); M341231 (1 view); M341202 (1 view); M341131 (1 view); M341185 (1 view); M341163 (1 view); M341146 (1 view); M341266 (1 view); M341136 (1 view); M344453 (1 view); M344585 (1 view); M344604 (1 view); M344609 (1 view); M344456 (1 view); M344462 (1 view); M344463 (1 view); M344574 (1 view); M344576 (1 view); M410636 (1 view); M452463 (1 view); M410840 (1 view); M452464 (1 view); M452465 (1 view); M410842 (1 view); M410843 (1 view); M452468 (1 view); M410844 (1 view); M452469 (1 view); M410841 (1 view); M452466 (1 view); M452470 (1 view); M452462 (1 view); M410629 (1 view); M410845 (1 view); M410846 (1 view); M410847 (1 view); M410848 (1 view); M410849 (1 view); M452471 (1 view); M452472 (1 view); M410641 (1 view); M410630 (1 view); M410631 (1 view); M410632 (1 view); M410633 (1 view); M410634 (1 view); M410624 (1 view); M410625 (1 view); M410626 (1 view); M410627 (1 view); M410628 (1 view); M410623 (1 view); M341186 (1 view); M341257 (1 view); M341253 (1 view); M341280 (1 view); M341241 (1 view); M341259 (1 view); M341199 (1 view); M341286 (1 view); M341265 (1 view); M341210 (1 view); M341229 (1 view); M341271 (1 view); M341194 (1 view); M341272 (1 view); M341260 (1 view); M341193 (1 view); M341213 (1 view); M341222 (1 view); M341236 (1 view); M341258 (1 view); M341283 (1 view); M341250 (1 view); M341196 (1 view); M341197 (1 view); M341225 (1 view); M341252 (1 view); M341127 (1 view);
    Views for media list5017
    Specimen list115490
    Taxon list13456

    Project downloads

    type number of downloads Individual items downloaded (where applicable)
    Total downloads from project379
    Matrix downloads86Mysticetes mark II (86 downloads);
    Document downloads18Palatal sulci and body size optimisation (6 downloads); Institutional abbreviations (1 download); Supplementary Nexus file (11 downloads);
    Project downloads159
    Media downloads116M379508 (1 download); M379497 (2 downloads); M379494 (1 download); M379495 (2 downloads); M379496 (2 downloads); M379501 (1 download); M379500 (1 download); M379499 (1 download); M379503 (2 downloads); M379510 (2 downloads); M410674 (2 downloads); M343097 (1 download); M343098 (1 download); M343099 (1 download); M343104 (1 download); M343105 (1 download); M343111 (1 download); M343209 (1 download); M343211 (1 download); M342550 (1 download); M342553 (1 download); M342556 (1 download); M342570 (1 download); M342559 (1 download); M342561 (1 download); M342565 (1 download); M342568 (1 download); M342571 (1 download); M342581 (1 download); M344011 (1 download); M381629 (1 download); M379498 (1 download); M340788 (1 download); M340790 (1 download); M340832 (1 download); M343531 (1 download); M345671 (1 download); M343486 (1 download); M343487 (1 download); M343489 (1 download); M343493 (1 download); M343494 (1 download); M343495 (1 download); M343526 (1 download); M343501 (1 download); M342432 (1 download); M341410 (1 download); M344453 (1 download); M344604 (1 download); M344605 (1 download); M344606 (1 download); M344575 (1 download); M344572 (1 download); M344454 (1 download); M344455 (1 download); M344456 (1 download); M344457 (1 download); M344458 (1 download); M344459 (1 download); M344460 (1 download); M344461 (1 download); M344462 (1 download); M344463 (1 download); M344464 (1 download); M344573 (1 download); M452462 (1 download); M344574 (1 download); M344576 (1 download); M410636 (1 download); M410637 (1 download); M410638 (1 download); M410640 (1 download); M410639 (1 download); M410839 (1 download); M410840 (1 download); M410841 (2 downloads); M410842 (1 download); M410843 (1 download); M410844 (1 download); M452463 (1 download); M452464 (1 download); M452465 (1 download); M452466 (1 download); M452467 (1 download); M452468 (1 download); M452469 (1 download); M452470 (1 download); M410629 (1 download); M410845 (1 download); M410846 (1 download); M410847 (1 download); M410848 (1 download); M410849 (1 download); M452471 (1 download); M452472 (1 download); M410641 (1 download); M410635 (1 download); M410630 (1 download); M410631 (1 download); M410632 (1 download); M410633 (1 download); M410634 (1 download); M410624 (1 download); M410625 (1 download); M410626 (1 download); M410627 (1 download); M410628 (1 download); M410622 (1 download); M410623 (1 download);