Project 3678: K. A. RUCCI, B. NEUHAUS, V. N. BULNES, N. J. CAZZANIGA. 2020. New record of the soft-bodied genus Franciscideres (Kinorhyncha) from Argentina, with notes on its movement and morphological variation. Zootaxa. 4780 (1):107-131.
Specimen: Franciscideres cf. kalenesos Dal Zotto, Di Domenico, Garrafoni, Sørensen, 2013
View: SEM specimen


Samples collected from Monte Hermoso, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina revealed the presence of specimens of the genus Franciscideres Dal Zotto et al., 2013, previously known only from Brazil. This morphotype seems to differ from the only known species, Franciscideres kalenesos Dal Zotto et al., 2013, in the following characters: (1) presence of ventrolateral tubes on segment 1, (2) introvert features, (3) each segment composed of a closed cuticular ring, (4) trunk cuticle ornamented by a secondary fringe of knob-like structures, (5) posterior margin of segment 10 ventrally terminating in two lateral and one broad triangular lobes, (6) posterior margin of segment 11 centrally terminating in four lobes (7) lateral terminal spines armed with thorn-like processes, (8) pores/sensory spots/gland cells distribution and (9) sexual dimorphism in segments 10 and 11. Because the lack of full information about F. kalenesos from Brazil, we considered the new exemplars as Franciscideres cf. kalenesos. Additionally, we provide new information about the movement of this species using light microscopy and compare these movements with other meiofaunal inhabitants.

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Article DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4780.1.5

Project DOI: 10.7934/P3678,
This project contains
  • 1 Media
  • 1 Taxon
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MorphoBank Project 3678
  • Creation Date:
    26 March 2020
  • Publication Date:
    26 March 2020
  • Project views: 8663

    Authors' Institutions

    • Museum für Naturkunde - Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung, Berlin

    • Universidad Nacional de Cordoba (UNC)

    • Universidad Nacional del Sur


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    Kevin Rucci
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