Project 3797: A. S. Brum, K. L. N. Bandeira, B. Holgado, L. G. Souza, R. V. Pêgas, J. M. Sayão, D. A. Campos, A. W. A. Kellner. 2021. Palaeohistology and palaeopatology of an Aeolosaurini (Sauropoda: Titanosauria) from Morro do Cambambe (Upper Cretaceous, Brazil). Spanish Journal of Palaeontology. 36 (1):1-18.
Specimen: † Aeolosaurini (Museu de Ciências da Terra, CPRM (Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais)/198-R:198)
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A recent publication of fossil bones of titanosaurs assigned to Aeolosaurini from the Morro do Cambambe site (Mato Grosso state, Brazil, Upper Cretaceous) reported anomalous growth in some of them. Here, we present osteohistological sections of elements to understand not only the microstructure and growth of such bones, but also the nature of those anomalies. Among them, we selected one cervical and one mediumposterior dorsal rib, and a haemal arch. The primary bone of all specimens consisted of a variation of the fibrolamellar complex, with the inner cortex being rich in woven bone with dispersed longitudinal canals, while the outer cortex was parallel-fibred with rows of longitudinal canals, interlayered by Lines of Arrested Growth. We identified a maximum of two Lines of Arrested Growth in the cervical rib and haemal arch, and four in the dorsal rib. The haemal arch shows an External Fundamental System in most sections. The advanced remodelling and variation of the fibrolamellar bone in the cortex suggests that all the specimens represent individuals that reached sexual maturity. However, the haemal arch was distinct due to the wide distribution of External Fundamental System. Based on the microstructure, we identified a subadult semaphoront, and probably an adult. The dorsal rib exhibited periosteal and endosteal outgrowth. Such microstructure was assigned to a reactive bone due to an intra-thoracic infection (a pneumonia, probably related to a tuberculosis), which is the first report in a non-avian dinosaur. The microstructure resembles the medullary bone recovered in dinosaurs, which suggests that further studies of medullary bone in thoracic bones should also regard the pathological cases.

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Article DOI: 10.7203/sjp.36.1.20305

Project DOI: 10.7934/P3797,
This project contains
  • 29 Media
  • 3 Taxa
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MorphoBank Project 3797
  • Creation Date:
    02 September 2020
  • Publication Date:
    22 March 2021
  • Project views: 16503

    Authors' Institutions

    • Universidade Federal do Rio De Janeiro (UFRJ)

    • CPRM - Serviço Geológico do Brasil

    • Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro

    • Universidade Federal do ABC

    • Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

    • Museu da Amazônia


    member name taxa specimens media
    Arthur Souza Brum
    Project Administrator
    Kamila Luisa Nogueira Bandeira
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    Diogenes de Almeida Campos
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    Borja Holgado
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    Alexander Wilhelm Armin Kellner
    Rodrigo Pêgas
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    Juliana Manso Sayão
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    Lucy Gomes de Souza
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