Project 3979: S. Paz-Sedano, D. Smirnoff, M. Candás, T. M. Gosliner, M. Pola. 2022. Rediscovering the overlooked genus Murphydoris (Nudibranchia: Goniodorididae): the first phylogeny and addition of four new species. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. epub ahead of print:none yet.
Specimen: Murphydoris cobbi Paz-Sedano, Smirnoff, Candás, Gosliner & Pola, 2022 (QMMO 85981)
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Sigurdson (1991) erected the monospecific genus Murphydoris to include the species Murphydoris singaporensis. This species differed from the rest of the genera in Goniodorididae by the lack of lamellae on the rhinophores and gill branches around the anus. Since its original description, Murphydoris singaporensis has only been found in Singapore and Thailand. Recently, the paratypes of Murphydoris singaporensis were studied and compared with remaining type species of Goniodorididae, showing that the apomorphies of the genus were unclear and some undescribed species reported as Goniodoridella could belong to Murphydoris. In this study, we examined four undescribed species from the Indo-Pacific region. The internal anatomy was studied by dissections, and electron microscope photographs are included to show details of their radulae, labial cuticles and penises. One specimen was also studied under micro-computed tomography. In addition, mitochondrial and nuclear partial sequences of the species were obtained. As a result, we describe in detail four new species of Murphydoris: M. adusta sp. nov., M. cobbi sp. nov., M. maracabranchia sp. nov. and M. puncticulata sp. nov. We additionally present the first phylogenetic tree that includes sequences of Murphydoris.

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Article DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlac002

Project DOI: 10.7934/P3979,
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MorphoBank Project 3979

    Authors' Institutions

    • California Academy of Sciences

    • Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

    • Universidade de Santiago de Compostela


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    Sofia Paz-Sedano
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