Project 4585: M. A. Izquierdo, T. M. Dederichs, F. Cargnelutti, P. Michalik. 2023. Copulatory behaviour and genital mechanics suggest sperm allocation by a non-intromittent sclerite in a pholcid spider. Royal Society Open Science. 10 (230263):1-14.
Specimen: Gertschiola neuquena (LABRE-Ar:1017)
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The male genitalia of pholcid spiders, which is one of the most species-rich spider families, are characterized by a procursus, which is a morphologically diverse projection of the copulatory organ. It has been shown that the procursus interacts with the female genitalia during copulation. Here, we investigate the function of the procursus in Gertschiola neuquena, a species belonging to the early branched and understudied subfamily Ninetinae, using behavioural and morphological data. Although many aspects of the copulatory behaviour of G. neuquena follow the general pattern described for the family, males use only one pedipalp during each copulation. Based on our micro-CT analysis of cryofixed mating pairs using virgin females, we can show that the long and filiform procursus is inserted deeply into the unpaired convoluted female spermatheca, and the intromittent sclerite, the embolus, is rather short and stout only reaching the most distal part of the female sperm storage organ. Histological data revealed that sperm are present in the most proximal part of the spermatheca, suggesting that the procursus is used to allocate sperm deeply into the female sperm storage organ. This represents the first case of a replacement of the sperm allocation function of the intromittent sclerite in spiders.

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Article DOI: 10.1098/rsos.230263

Project DOI: 10.7934/P4585,
This project contains
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  • 1 Taxon
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MorphoBank Project 4585
  • Creation Date:
    07 March 2023
  • Publication Date:
    30 May 2023
  • Project views: 1674

    Authors' Institutions

    • Universidad Nacional de Cordoba (UNC)

    • University of Greifswald

    • Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)


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    Peter Michalik
    Project Administrator
    Tim M. Dederichs
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    Matias Izquierdo
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