Project 3437: X. Chen, J. Ortega-Hernández, J. M. Wolfe, D. Zhai, X. Hou, A. Chen, H. Mai, Y. Liu. 2019. The appendicular morphology of Sinoburius lunaris and the evolution of the artiopodan clade Xandarellida (Euarthropoda, early Cambrian) from South China. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 19 (1):null.
This project has 64 taxa.
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Showing all 64 taxonomic names

Genus, Species, Subspecies, Scientific name author, Scientific name year

* indicates that a taxon has NOT matched to the NCBI hierarchy.
# indicates that a taxon has been matched to a PBDB entry.

Acanthomeridion anacanthus *
Acanthomeridion serratum *
Aglaspella granulifera *
Aglaspis spinifer *
Alalcomenaeus cambricus *
Australaglaspis stonyensis *
Australimicola spriggi *
Beckwithia typa 
Brachyaglaspis singularis *
Buenaspis *
Burgessia bella *
Cheloniellon calmani *
Chlupacaris dubia *
Chraspedops *
Cindarella eucalla *
Cyclopites vulgaris *
Duslia insignis *
Emeraldella brockii *
Eoredlichia intermedia *
Eozetetes gemelli *
Flobertia kochi *
Fortiforceps foliosa *
Glypharthrus magnoculus *
Glypharthrus simplex *
Glypharthrus thomasi *
Glypharthrus trispinicaudatus *
Gogglops *
Haifengella corona *
Haikoucaris *
Helmetia expansa *
Kodymirus vagans *
Kuamaia *
Kwanyinaspis maotiashanensis *
Leanchoilia superlata *
Liwia convexa *
Luohuilinella deletres *
Luohuilinella rarus *
Marrella splendens *
Martinssonia elongata *
Mimetaster hexagonalis *
Misszhouia longicaudata *
Naraoia compacta *
Naraoia spinosa *
Nebalia bipes 
Neostrabops *
Olenoides serratus *
Phytophilaspis pergamena *
Quasimodaspis brentsae *
Rebachiella kinnekullensis *
Retifacies abnormalis *
Saperion *
Sidneyia inexpectans *
Sinoburius lunaris *
Skioldia *
Soomaspis *
Squamacula clypeata *
Tariccoia *
Tegopelte gigas *
Tremaglaspis unite *
Tremaglaspis vanroyi *
Triopus draboviensis Morocco *
Uarthrus instabilis *
Xandarella spectacullum *
Zhiwenia coronata *