Project 779: H. M. Sallam, A. Goswami, E. R. Seiffert, E. L. Simons. 2011. Craniodental Morphology and Systematics of a New Family of Hystricognathous Rodents (Gaudeamuridae) from the Late Eocene and Early Oligocene of Egypt. PLOS ONE. 6 (2):e16525.
This project has 51 taxa.
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Showing all 51 taxonomic names

Genus, Species, Subspecies, Scientific name author, Scientific name year

* indicates that a taxon has NOT matched to the NCBI hierarchy.
# indicates that a taxon has been matched to a PBDB entry.

”Paraphiomys” simonsi *
”Phiomys” lavocati *
”Phiomys aff. paraphiomyoides” *
Anadianomys declivis *
Baluchimys ganeshapher *
Baluchimys krabiense *
Birbalomys spp. *
Branisamys luribayensis *
Bugtimys zafarullahi *
Chapattimys wilsoni *
Confiniummys sidiki *
Diamantomys luederitzi *
Eobranisamys romeropittmanae *
Eosallamys paulacoutoi *
Gaudeamus hylaeus *
Gaudeamus aegyptius *
Gaudeamus aslius *
Gaudeamus cf. aslius *
Hodsahibia spp. *
Hystrix depereti 
Hystrix primigenia 
Incamys spp. *
Lindsaya derabugtiensis *
Lophibaluchia spp. *
Metaphiomys beadnelli *
New genus and species 2 (L-41) 
New genus and species 1 (L-41) 
New genus and species 3 (L-41) 
New genus and species (Quarry A & E) 
Ottomania proavita *
Paraphiomys spp. *
Paraulacodus indicus *
Petrokozlovia notos *
Phiocricetomys minutus *
Phiomys *
Phiomys andrewsi *
Phiomys hammudai *
Phiomys paraphiomyoides *
Platypittamys brachyodon *
Protophiomys aegyptensis *
Protophiomys aff. durattalahensis *
Protophiomys algeriensis *
Protophiomys durattalahensis *
Sacaresia moyaeponsi *
Sallamys pascuali *
Talahphiomys lavocati *
Talahphiomys libycus *
Thryonomys swinderianus 
Tsaganomys altaicus *
Waslamys attiai *
Yuomys cavioides *