Showing all 21 taxonomic names
Supraspecific Taxa including those with no specified Linnaean Rank
Genus, Species, Subspecies, Scientific name author, Scientific name year
* indicates that a taxon has NOT matched to the NCBI hierarchy.
# indicates that a taxon has been matched to a PBDB entry.
Cryptomanis gobiensis *
Eomanis *
Eomanis waldi *
Erinaceus sp.
Euromanis *
Euromanis krebsi *
Eurotamandua joresi *
Manis crassicaudata
Manis javanica
Manis pentadactyla
Metacheiromys dasypus *
Metacheiromys sp. *
Nandinia binotata
Necromanis sp. *
Palaeanodon sp. *
Patriomanis americana *
Phataginus tetradactyla *
Phataginus tricuspis *
Smutsia gigantea *
Smutsia temminckii *