Showing 40 taxonomic names where genus starts with 'A'.
* indicates that a taxon has NOT matched to the NCBI hierarchy.
# indicates that a taxon has been matched to a PBDB entry.
Actinoseta chelispara *
Actinoseta hummelincki *
Actinoseta jonesi *
Alphaleberis alphathrix *
Amboleberis americana *
Archasterope efficax 30
Archasterope altrix
Archasterope antarctica
Archasterope apex
Archasterope bulla DS 6
Archasterope bulla
Archasterope dentata
Archasterope efficax
Archasterope efficax J57064
Archasterope monothrix
Archasterope quinquesetae
Archasterope sp. J57065
Archasterope sp. 108
Archasterope verax
Asteropella monambon 75
Asteropella slatteryi 76
Asteropella slatteryi 116
Asteropella kalkei
Asteropella monambon
Asteropella monambon J57059
Asteropella mortenseni
Asteropella slatteryi J57061
Asteropella slatteryi J57060
Asteropella slatteryi
Asteropella sp. J57062
Asteropella sp. 117
Asteropteron fuscum *
Asteropterygion magnum 22
Asteropterygion dayi
Asteropterygion magnum
Asteropterygion oculitristis
Asteropterygion peterseni
Asteropterygion romei
Asteropterygion setiferum
Asteropterygion thomassini