Project 1023: F. R. Schram, C. J. Dixon. 2004. Decapod phylogeny: addition of fossil evidence to a robust morphological cladistic data set. Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum. 31:1-19.
This project has 50 taxa.
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Showing 9 taxonomic names where genus starts with 'C'.

* indicates that a taxon has NOT matched to the NCBI hierarchy.
# indicates that a taxon has been matched to a PBDB entry.

Calcinus tibicen 
Callianassa setimana 
Callianassa tyrrhena 
Callianidea typa 
Calocaris macandreae 
Cambarus bartoni 
Carcinus maenas 
Coenobita brevimanus 
Crangon crangon