Display bibliographic references beginning with:
Thorell, T. Descrizione di alcuni Aracnidi inferiori dell' Arcipelago Malese. Vol. 18, pp. 21-69.
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Juberthie, C. 1956. Nombres chromosomiques chez les Sironidæ, Trogulidæ, Ischyropsalidæ, Phalangidæ (Opilions). Vol. 242, pp. 2860-2862.
Rafalski, J. 1956. Opis Siro carpaticus sp. n. wraz zuwagami o morfologii i systematyce Cyphophthalmi (Opiliones). Vol. 1, pp. 49-52.
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Juberthie, C. 1962. Structure et régression de l'appareil visuel chez les Opilions. Vol. 2, pp. 79-83.
Juberthie, C. 1963. Monstruosités observées chez les Opilions. Vol. 35, pp. 167-171.
Lawrence, R. F. 1963. The Opiliones of the Transvaal. Vol. 24(4), pp. 275-304.
Hoffman, R.L. 1963. A new phalangid of the genus Siro from Eastern United States, and taxonomic notes on other American sironids (Arach., Opiliones). Senckenbergiana Biologica. Vol. 44, pp. 129-139.
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Juberthie, C. 1965. Données sur l'écologie, le développement et la reproduction des Opilions. Revue d'Écologie et de Biologie du Sol. Vol. 2, pp. 377-396.
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Juberthie, C. 1967. Caractères sexuels secondaires des Opilions: les glandes anales de Siro rubens. Revue d'Écologie et de Biologie du Sol. Vol. 4(3), pp. 489-496.
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Brignoli, P. M. 1968. Note su Sironidae, Phalangodidae e Trogulidae Italiani, cavernicoli ed endogei (Opiliones). Vol. 5, pp. 259-293.
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Juberthie, C. 1969. Sur les opilions cyphophthalmes Stylocellinae du Gabon. Vol. 5, pp. 79-92.
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Shear, W. A. 1979. Stylocellus sedgwicki n.sp., from Penang Island, Malaysia (Opiliones, Cyphophthalmida, Stylocellidae). Bulletin of the British arachnological Society. Vol. 4, pp. 356-360.
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Juberthie, C. 1988. Les Opilions Cyphophthalmes: biogéographie, vitesse d'évolution, périodes de colonisation du milieu souterrain. TUB-Dokumentation Kongresse und Tagungen, Berlin. Vol. 38, pp. 303-308.
Murphree, C. S. 1988. Morphology of the dorsal integument of ten opilionid species (Arachnida, Opiliones). The Journal of Arachnology. Vol. 16(2), pp. 237-252.
Juberthie, C. 1989. Rakaia daviesae sp. nov. (Opiliones, Cyphophthalmi, Pettalidae) from Australia. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum. Vol. 27(2), pp. 499-507.
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Shultz, J.W. 1989. Morphology of locomotor appendages in Arachnida: evolutionary trends and phylogenetic implications. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. Vol. 97, pp. 1-56.
Chemini, C. 1990. Siro valleorum n.sp. A new cyphophthalmid from the Italian Alps (Arachnida: Opiliones: Sironidae). Vol. 14, pp. 181-189.
Legg, G. 1990. Parogovia pabsgarnoni, sp. n. (Arachnida, Opiliones, Cyphophthalmi) from Sierra Leone, with notes on other African species of Parogovia. Bulletin of the British arachnological Society. Vol. 8(4), pp. 113-121.
Juberthie, C. 1991. Sur Trenteeva paradoxa (Kratochvil, 1958), opilion troglobie et les opilions cyphophthalmes de Bulgarie. Mémoires de Biospéologie. Vol. 18, pp. 263-267.
Rambla, M. 1991. A new Stylocellus from some caves of Borneo, Malaysia (Opiliones, Cyphophthalmi, Stylocellidae). Mémoires de Biospéologie. Vol. 18, pp. 227-232.
Starega, W. 1992. An annotated check-list of Afrotropical harvestmen, excluding the Phalangiidae (Opiliones). Vol. 33, pp. 271-336.
Bastawade, D.B. 1992. First report of an arachnid order Cyphophthalmi (da) from India in Arunachal Pradesh. Vol. 89(2), pp. 268-269.
Karaman, I. 1993. Contribution to the knowledge of the genus Siro (Arachnida, Opiliones) from the Balkan peninsula: Siro minutus KratochvÃl, 1937. Vol. 84, pp. 19-25.
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Shear, W. A. 1993. The genus Chileogovea (Opiliones, Cyphophthalmi, Petallidae). The Journal of Arachnology. Vol. 21, pp. 73-78.
Shear, W. A. 1993. The genus Troglosiro and the new family Troglosironidae (Opiliones, Cyphophthalmi). The Journal of Arachnology. Vol. 21, pp. 81-90.
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Giribet, G., Sharma, P. P., Benavides, L. R., Boyer, S. L., Clouse, R. M., de Bivort, B. L., Dimitrov, D., Kawauchi, G. Y., Murienne, J. Y. and Schwendinger, P. J. 2012. Evolutionary and biogeographical history of an ancient and global group of arachnids (Arachnida: Opiliones: Cyphophthalmi) with a new taxonomic arrangement. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. Vol. 105(1), pp. 92-130.