Project 4449: M. S. de la Fuente, I. J. Maniel, P. G. Ruiz, J. Ledesma, M. V. Deraco, C. del Papa, C. Herrera. 2022. A new podocnemidid (Pleurodira: Pelomedusoides) from the Eocene of north-western Argentina, with comments on its evolutionary relationships and palaeoenvironmental settings. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 20 (1):2081939.
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de la Fuente, M. S., Maniel, I. J., Ruiz, P. G., Ledesma, J., Deraco, M. V., del Papa, C. and Herrera, C. 2022. A new podocnemidid (Pleurodira: Pelomedusoides) from the Eocene of north-western Argentina, with comments on its evolutionary relationships and palaeoenvironmental settings. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. Vol. 20(1), p. 2081939.