Project 3385: X. Ni, Q. Ji, W. Wu, Q. Shao, Y. Ji, C. Zhang, L. Liang, J. Ge, Z. Guo, J. Li, Q. Li, R. GrĂ¼n, C. Stringer. 2021. Massive cranium from Harbin in northeastern China establishes a new Middle Pleistocene human lineage. The Innovation. 2 (3):100130.
This project has 2 documents.

Please find here additional documents associated with this project. Occasionally MorphoBank receives matrices that are not formatted to parse to the database, these can also be found here, along with others and are presented 'as is' from the scientist.

2 Documents

Explanation of matrix files in this project (Downloaded 18 times )
There are two matrices uploaded in the Matrix section and one in the Document section. Explanation provided by the author, X. Ni.
MorphoHomo V1.2 (Downloaded 17 times )
The data matrix MorphoHomo V1.2 is used for Bayesian tip-dating inferring in MrBayes 3.2.7. It is derived from the MorphoHomo V1.1 and includes the same OTU and character numbers. Since MrBayes 3.2.7 cannot handle continuous characters directly and can only deal with ordered characters up to six states, all the continuous characters in the MorphoHomo V1.2 were discretized into six states. Detailed description for the data and methods are included in the main text and supplemental information of the published paper.