Please find here additional documents associated with this project. Occasionally MorphoBank receives matrices that are not formatted to parse to the database, these can also be found here, along with others and are presented 'as is' from the scientist.
4 Documents
Appendix S3 (complete list)
Stratigraphical congruence index values for the 80 MPTs
Appendix S4
Time-calibrated tree in newick version
Appendix S5
Estimated temporal range of the nisusiid species analysed by this study
(modified from Holmer et al. 2019, fig. 1)
This data is tab-delimited.
Appendix S6
Area-transition counts for the nisusiids, Clade 1, Clade 2 and 'basal' group
compiled according to the three nisusiid-occurring time intervals (Stage 3, Stage 4 and
Wuliuan and onwards)