Project 2737: S. J. Hand, R. M. Beck, M. Archer, N. B. Simmons, G. F. Gunnell, R. P. Scofield, A. J. Tennyson, V. L. De Pietri, S. W. Salisbury, T. H. Worthy. 2018. A new, large-bodied omnivorous bat (Noctilionoidea: Mystacinidae) reveals lost morphological and ecological diversity since the Miocene in New Zealand. Scientific Reports. 8 (1):null.
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Dentary labial
Dentition lower
Dentition lower and upper anterior
Dentition lower and upper, or whole skull
Dentition lower incisors
Dentition lower labial
Dentition lower lingual
Dentition lower m1 labial
Dentition lower m1 lingual
Dentition lower molar labial
Dentition lower molar lingual
Dentition lower molar occlusal
Dentition lower occlusal
Dentition lower occlusal anterior
Dentition upper
Dentition upper and lower incisors
Dentition upper cheek teeth lingual
Dentition upper incisors
Dentition upper labial
Dentition upper lingual
Dentition upper oblique 1
Dentition upper occlusal
Dentition upper occlusal anterior
Distal fibula